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The New Artsmark Award Drew Rowlands Development Director Cape UK.

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2 The New Artsmark Award Drew Rowlands Development Director Cape UK

3 Why the Artsmark? New Ofsted Framework – Broad and balanced curriculum, SMSC, Character, Leadership and Vision Arts Council England’s Cultural Challenge Supports whole school planning and school improvement Enables use of the arts as a mechanism for addressing specific school priorities such as closing the gap Provides a mechanism for what most teachers have to do anyway i.e. development planning Can join the journey from any starting point Can apply as part of a consortium Ofsted July 2015: arts referenced for first time as one of 7 areas of learning that makes up broad and balanced curriculum; Arts and cultural learning underpins SMSC, new judgement based around student confidence, resilience, self assurance etc; qualities that are central outcomes of arts learning. Much greater emphasis on leadership and their vision for developing students. SMSC = spiritual, moral, social and cultural development Arts Council are challenging all sectors to ensure they have rich and outstanding cultural offers. DFE and Ofsted are fully behind this challenge The Artsmark can be used as a means of exploring the impact of the arts on learning in core subjects New Artsmark process offers a high degree of flexibility that enables schools to use the process to tackle whole school issues.

4 Application Find Artsmark
Marketing through ACE, Bridges, Schools, NPOs, MPMs etc. Website Media campaign Homework Register at Audit via self assessment tool Development Day Attend event SLT and Arts teacher Bring Audit Statement of Commitment Draft SoC Link to SIP approval by HT and Governors Join Artsmark! delivery of development priority Implement plan over maximum of 2 yrs Link to quality principles Case Study Complete case study one plan has been implemented Focus on impact Levelling Arts Council to assign Artsmark level Artsmark Celebration! Artsmark & PR campaign

5 Artsmark award at a glance
Silver Gold Platinum Flagship** Entry level Emergent Established Stretching Exceptional Develop skills Develop expertise Develop Best Practice Opinion Former Influencer Commitment Tangible results Measurable Effects Making a difference Leading Change * A school can describe themselves as having joined the Artsmark Award once they have attended a briefing day and completed their Statement of Commitment. ** The Artsmark Flagship Award recognises exceptional schools valued for their leadership in championing arts education and cultural learning nationally. This award is available by invitation only and remains for the moment in the gift of the Arts Council.

6 Which settings are eligible?
primary schools secondary schools independent schools special schools pupil referral units further education colleges youth justice settings including secure settings, youth offending teams and prevention projects Not eligible:  schools outside of England unless they are British Forces posted overseas (BFPO) establishments early years settings (0-5) unless they are attached to a school with Key Stage 1 pupils

7 Quality principles striving for excellence emphasising authenticity
being inspiring, and engaging ensuring a positive child-centred experience actively involving children and young people providing a sense of personal progression developing a sense of ownership and belonging

8 Artsmark Supporter Arts and Cultural organisations who are supported by Arts Council England will be required to support schools along their Artsmark Award journey. Organisations make ‘special offers’ to schools who are engaged in Artsmark process

9 Artsmark application fee
Following feedback and in-depth modelling, the pricing structure for the new Artsmark Award has been approved as follows: £500 standard fee for the basic Artsmark package. Includes Artsmark training for two members of school staff, one Critical Friend visit, access to online resources and the admin fee for levelling the award. £800 fee for a more bespoke Artsmark package.  Includes additional Critical Friend support and/or bespoke brokerage with cultural organisations based on the school’s Statement of Commitment. The fee is a one-off payment for the duration of a single Artsmark journey – from a school’s attendance at a Development Day through to receiving a level (silver, gold, platinum.) To support smaller schools, the application fee may be shared across a consortium if it numbers three schools or less.

10 Two programmes School Young people


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