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NHS Fundraiser to Support the Flying Samaritans. The Flying Samaritans is a group of Doctors, Nurses, Dentists, Pilots, Pharmacists, and charity workers.

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Presentation on theme: "NHS Fundraiser to Support the Flying Samaritans. The Flying Samaritans is a group of Doctors, Nurses, Dentists, Pilots, Pharmacists, and charity workers."— Presentation transcript:

1 NHS Fundraiser to Support the Flying Samaritans

2 The Flying Samaritans is a group of Doctors, Nurses, Dentists, Pilots, Pharmacists, and charity workers that donate their time to help people in need in Baja California.

3 Goal Finish building a new medical Clinic in Jesus Maria.

4 –The Journey



7 Villa Jesus Maria is a Small Remote Town about 300 miles South of San Diego



10 Flying Samaritans

11 Medical Clinic The clinics, which occur every month, last a weekend. In any weekend, hundreds of patients may be seen. In some cases, these clinics are the only medical care in a 200-mile radius. Each chapter runs its own clinics, so there is consistency and a relationship with the communities served. This continuity adds great depth to the relationship between the local population and the Samaritans. Moreover, many Sams volunteer at other chapters, helping out when a hand is needed.

12 Some people travel for hours to attend the monthly clinic


14 The Families








22 Helping Them

23 Success Stories


25 At Work





30 Construction Progress Two years ago our La Quinta NHS raised enough money to help install the sewer lines in the new clinic. Since then on monthly visits, after pilots dropped off doctors, dentists and other medical workers at the temporary clinic, they worked on construction of the new clinic. The progress has been slow but the end is in sight.

31 Building a New Clinic

32 Vic and Juan Review plans


34 The plans include a pharmacy, examination rooms, including optometry and prenatal, a dental office with at least four chairs, an audiology room and more.

35 Septic Tank

36 Shovel Leaner

37 Sewer Line Almost Done

38 Raising the Roof



41 A Good Long Days Work

42 Current State of the Clinic We've finished installing the windows and on our last visit we finished framing and blocking all of the rooms to make them ready for the dry wall.


44 Plan to Finish the Clinic We plan to bring a crew professional construction workers down for a week to finish the clinic. They'll do the electrical, plumbing, drywall, tile, cabinets, doors, etc. Doctors and pilots pay their own way to travel to Jesus Maria at a minimum of $150 per trip per person. We can't expect the construction workers to pay their own way and lose a weeks worth of work. So we'll fund raise to get them there.

45 Fund-raising Details 1. Class Competition 2. Flight Raffle (for adults only)

46 Class Competition NHS students will distribute donation petitions. Each petition will have the option of period five with a place to write in a teachers name. Students will fill out the petition and give their donation to a NHS member. Their donation will be placed in a collection box.

47 At the end of the fund raiser week we will divide the individual class totals by the total number of students in the class to determine the highest donating class per student. We will present the donation to the Flying Samaritans

48 *The highest donating class per student will receive the pleasure of knowing that 100% of the money went to building a medical clinic. After all exams, CSTs, AP exams etc, they will also receive an extended lunch time Italian feast prepared by students of the NHS. I will bring pictures back from Jesus Maria to show progress on the clinic.

49 YEAH 100%. I am proud to say the Flying Samaritans not only donate their time and skills, each member also pays for all their own travel, fuel costs, maintenance, lodging, food, landing fees, insurance, entry fees, and administrative costs.

50 Flight Raffle Adults will have a chance to purchase $20 raffle tickets for a scenic flight, for two, with a destination of their choice, chosen from the following: Santa Barbara San Diego Palm Springs Catalina Solvang Big Bear

51 Mr. Greek will prepare a Basque Lunch for all who purchase a raffle ticket.

52 Plane and Pilot Raffle winners will fly in a beautifully maintained Piper Comanche-250 with Victor Jones president of the flying Samaritans.


54 WHY? Over the next several years the medical clinic will help relieve the pain and suffering of thousands of people less fortunate than we are. This is a good thing to do.

55 Make a Positive Tangible Impact on Our World

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