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Long Channel MOS Transistors

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1 Long Channel MOS Transistors
The basic cross-section of an MOS transistor is L N+ Sub NA SiO2 S G D

2 Two-dimensional band diagram of an n-channel MOSFET.
(a): Device configuration. (b): Flat-band zero-bias equilibrium condition. (c): Equilibrium condition under a gate bias. (d): Nonequilibrium condition under both gate and drain biases.

3 We will first consider the inversion charge at the drain end assuming that the vertical electric field is much larger than the horizontal electric field. That is, we need to solve a 1-D Poisson equation along the vertical direction.

4 \ we have: By assuming mFp to be constant, we have:
Now assuming mFn to be constant along x, we have: since \ we have:

5 Again, recognizing that
we have where

6 In particular, at the surface
with QB is the bulk (depletion) charge: Recall that for a MOSCAP, the maximum bandbending Therefore, near the drain end

7 Also, we will approximate:
Note that xi is usually very small

8 Now, as in the case of MOSCAP, under strong inversion
F can be approximated as With sheet-charge approximation:

9 Gradual channel approximation is good if
since Note: #4 implies we can use the equation derived earlier for Qinv!

10 Note the coordinate we use for MOSFETs
Note that gradual channel approximation Þ the Poisson’s equation is roughly one-dimensional and in the x-direction.

11 Therefore, the band diagram along x-direction at y looks like:
First, from equation earlier, we can derive:

12 The equation is too complicated to achieve an analytic equation for the I-V characteristics for MOSFETs. Now, using gradual channel approximation as well as sheet charge approximation for the inversion charges, we can write(if VFB=0): and Further, we can approximate QB(y) by depletion approximation.

13 Under the gradual channel approximation, depletion width is like a reversed bias p-n junction with the applied biase V(y)+Vsub and a built-in potential of 2.1fB+VT or: Hence and

14 The channel conductance at y is therefore:
i.e., But I is constant along the channel in steady-state, which means

15 Carrying out the integration,
Let’s first look at the limiting cases of VD » 0:

16 with including we have with VD » 0, the conducatance is: This is expected, since in this case

17 \ the conductance is The transconductance in this case is given by

18 Now, this current equation assumes Qinv(y) ¹0 for any y
Now, this current equation assumes Qinv(y) ¹0 for any y. That is it is only “valid” up to when That is where IDsat can be obtained by putting VDsat into

19 For VD>VDsat, we approximate
This is so called “pinch-off” approximation. Using this formula for IDsat, we can calculate the saturated regime transconductance: i.e., If NA is small and Cox large,

20 with m as a correcting factor and m ®1/2 when NA is small.
IDsat can also be written as: If we assume which is approximately true if the substrate doping is small (why?), i.e.

21 Therefore or with


23 If we consider both drift and diffusion, i.e.
The total current is or and YS is related to VG by

24 Subthreshold Currents in Long Channel MOSFETs

25 Consider the band diagram with an applied VSub, and VG with respect to the substrate (with VFB=0).

26 To derive I-V characteriastics, we notice that
We need to find First Note: assumption (4) implies that constant along the channel

27 To get QS(0) and QS(L), from ns(0) and ns(L), we use the following
now and exponential decay rapidly

28 i.e., Since

29 With these, we have But

30 What is Under weak inversion since Recall the depletion capacitance is given by

31 This is expected as Cs VG Vsub YS

32 Let us now estimate yS by assuming that
i.e., mid-way between the onset of weak inversion and the onset of strong inversion. Note also that and

33 We get

34 log(ID) VG VD > 3VT A slightly more accurate derivation gives where, as before


36 Mobility Behavior in the Inversion Layer
Mobility, m, is an important parameter of MOSFETs. Because the conducting carriers are in a confined inversion layer at the Si/SiO2 interface, there are additional scattering centers apart from that of the bulk. Also, due to the two-dimensional nature of the charge, they can have quantum mechanical behavior different from that of the bulk carriers. In general, surface mobility is ~0.6X that of the bulk. Vsat is also smaller. There are two definitions of mobility in MOS systems, meff and mFE (effective and field effective).

37 Difference between meff and mFE

38 Physical mechanisms of surface carrier scattering are:
scattering due to bulk-ionized impurity scattering due to bulk phonons scattering due to and , associated with the Si/SiO2 interface surface acoustic and optical phonons scattering surface roughness scattering

39 Now, from quantum mechanics, the inversion charge has an approximately Gaussian profile. Thus, from Gauss’ Law, EC EV EFn Inversion charge mobility depends on the inversion charge confinement It was found that

40 meff vs. effective field for four substrate doping concentrations

41 Experimental electron inversion layer mobility vs
Experimental electron inversion layer mobility vs. effective field at two substrate doping levels. VBS =0, -2 and -4 V.

42 For the Ey dependence, it was found that
where vs, vs and G are fitting parameters.

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