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Satish Pradhan Dnyanasadhana College, Thane

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1 Satish Pradhan Dnyanasadhana College, Thane
( Academic Year 2017 – 2018 ) SEM-VI T. Y. B. Sc. Electronics Unit 1 by Dr. S. R. Bhagat Dr. S. R. Bhagat

2 Field Effect Transistors
The current flow is controlled by electric field Unipolar Switch faster Dr. S. R. Bhagat

3 Field Effect Transistors
JFET MOSFET (IGFET) n-Channel JFET p-Channel JFET FET Enhancement MOSFET Depletion MOSFET n-Channel EMOSFET n-Channel DMOSFET p-Channel DMOSFET p-Channel EMOSFET Dr. S. R. Bhagat

4 FET and BJT Unipolar Bipolar High input resistance No offset voltage
Immune to radiations Less noisy Greater thermal stability Simple to fabricate less space Dr. S. R. Bhagat

5 Basic Ideas There are three terminals: Drain (D) and Source (S) are connected to n-cha Dr. S. R. Bhagat

6 Normal Biasing of JFET Dr. S. R. Bhagat

7 Schematic Symbols Gate Drain Source Gate Drain Source Gate Drain
n-channel JFET Offset-gate symbol n-channel JFET p-channel JFET Dr. S. R. Bhagat

8 Drain Characteristics
Dr. S. R. Bhagat

9 Drain Characteristics
Dr. S. R. Bhagat

10 Transconductance Curve
IDSS VGS (off)=VP Figure: Transfer (or Mutual) Characteristics of n-Channel JFET Dr. S. R. Bhagat

11 FET Parameters Drain Resistance (rd) Transconductance (gm)
The dynamic a.c. resistance is defined as the ratio of infinitesimal change in VDS to the corresponding change in drain current ID at a constant value of VGS Transconductance (gm) The mutual conductance is defined as the ratio of the change in drain current to the corresponding change in VGS at a constant value of VDS Dr. S. R. Bhagat

12 FET Parameters The voltage amplification factor ()
It is the ratio of change in VDS to the corresponding change in drain current VGS at a constant value of ID where Dr. S. R. Bhagat

13 Gate Bias Dr. S. R. Bhagat

14 Self Bias Dr. S. R. Bhagat

15 Voltage Divider Bias Dr. S. R. Bhagat

16 Common Source Amplifier
Dr. S. R. Bhagat

17 JFET Analog Switch Dr. S. R. Bhagat

18 Shunt Switch Dr. S. R. Bhagat

19 Series Switch Dr. S. R. Bhagat

20 JFET Analog Switch Multiplexer
Dr. S. R. Bhagat

21 FET as VVR Dr. S. R. Bhagat

22 Enhancement MOSFET Dr. S. R. Bhagat

23 Enhancement MOSFET Dr. S. R. Bhagat

24 Biasing of MOSFET Depletion Type
Dr. S. R. Bhagat

25 Biasing of MOSFET Enhancement Type
Dr. S. R. Bhagat

26 MOSFET Switch The MOSFET switch is most popular type of switch.
It is good for transmitting low level voltage signals (as opposed to high current). Output swing depends critically on RD (ID=IDSS for VGS=0). Current flows at all times. Dr. S. R. Bhagat

27 A JFET has a drain current 5 mA
A JFET has a drain current 5 mA. If IDSS = 10 mA and VGS(off) =  6V, find the value of VP and VGS In a n-channel JFET potential divider biased circuit, it is desired to set the operating point at ID = 25 mA and VGS = 8 V. If VDD = 30 V, R1 = 1 M and R2 = 500 k, find the value of RS Given ] IDSS = 10 mA and VP =  5V The transconductance of a JFET used in a voltage amplifier circuit is 3000 mho and the load resistance is 10 k , calculate the voltage amplification factor assuming that rd >> RL For a JFET, IDSS = 9 mA and VP =  35V. Determine ID when VGS = 0 V and  2 V. Dr. S. R. Bhagat

28 A JFET amplifier employs voltage divider bias
A JFET amplifier employs voltage divider bias. The resistances are of value R1 = 1 M and R2 = 1 M. . If VDD is 20 V and the drain current is found to be 2 mA for RS = 15 k find VGS. If VDS is one half VDD, what is the value of RD? Dr. S. R. Bhagat

29 SCR Dr. S. R. Bhagat

30 Working of SCR When Gate is open Dr. S. R. Bhagat

31 Working of SCR When Gate voltage is zero Dr. S. R. Bhagat

32 Working of SCR When Gate voltage is positive with respect to cathode
Dr. S. R. Bhagat

33 Equivalent circuit of SCR
When Gate is open and V < VBr (Breakover voltage) When gate voltage is positive Dr. S. R. Bhagat

34 Important terms for SCR
Forward Breakover Voltage (VBr) It is the minimum forward voltage, gate being open, at which SCR start conducting heavily i.e. turned on. Holding Current (IH) It is the value of current below which the SCR switches from the conduction state to the forward blocking region under specified conditions Peak Reverse Voltage (PRV) It is the maximum reverse voltage that can be applied to an SCR without conducting in reverse direction Dr. S. R. Bhagat

35 Important terms for SCR
Forward Current Rating It is maximum anode to cathode current that SCR is capable of passing without damage Circuit Fusing Rating It is the product of square of forward surge current and the time of duration of the surge Dr. S. R. Bhagat

36 V-I Characteristics of SCR
Dr. S. R. Bhagat

37 SCR as a Switch Advantages of SCR switch over mechanical or electromechanical switches No moving parts, hence noiseless operation at high efficiency The switching speed is very high upto 109 operations/sec It allows control over large current upto 100 A in the load by means of small gate current It is solid state device and has small size, hence gives trouble free long service Dr. S. R. Bhagat

38 SCR as a Switch DC gate trigger SCR turns on when switch S is closed
Dr. S. R. Bhagat

39 SCR as a Switch AC gate trigger SCR turns on when IG  IGT
Dr. S. R. Bhagat

40 SCR as a Switch Anode current interruption to make SCR off
Dr. S. R. Bhagat

41 SCR as a Switch Forced Communication Dr. S. R. Bhagat

42 SCR as a Half wave Rectifier
Dr. S. R. Bhagat

43 SCR as a Half wave Rectifier with firing angle upto 180
Dr. S. R. Bhagat

44 Triac Dr. S. R. Bhagat

45 Triac Construction Dr. S. R. Bhagat

46 Triac Operation Dr. S. R. Bhagat

47 Triac Characteristics
Dr. S. R. Bhagat

48 Applications of Triac Intensity control of high power lamp
Dr. S. R. Bhagat

49 Applications of Triac Electronic changeover of transformer taps
Dr. S. R. Bhagat

50 The Diac Dr. S. R. Bhagat

51 Applications of Diac Light Dimmer
Dr. S. R. Bhagat

52 A half wave rectifier circuit with SCR is adjusted to have a gate current of 1 mA. The VBRF of SCR is 100 V for Ig = 1 mA If a sinusoidal voltage of 200 V peak is applied find ( i ) firing angle ( ii ) conduction angle ( iii ) average current. Assume load resistance 1 k and the holding current to be zero An ac voltage of v = 240 sin 314t is applied to an SCR half wave rectifier. If the SCR has a forward breakdown voltage of 180 V, find the time during which SCR remains off An SCR has a circuit fusing rating of 60 A2s. Determine the highest surge current value that SCR can withstand for a period of 20 ms. Dr. S. R. Bhagat

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