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Getting to the ROOT of words

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1 Getting to the ROOT of words
Unit 6 Getting to the ROOT of words

2 Chronological—adj. arranged in the order of time that events occurred or took place
History and Social Studies textbooks are in chronological order.

3 Chronically—adv. to occur in a repeated, habitual, or long-standing manner
I loved visiting my grandpa, but unfortunately he smoked chronically and I felt as if I could never get a breath of fresh air.

4 Chronicle—n. a description of events in the order they happened
I read a soldier’s chronicle about his experiences in the Civil War.

5 Chronograph—n. a device (like a stopwatch) that is used for measuring and recording time in a very exact way They used a chronograph to record runner’s times to the 1/100th of a second.

6 Temporary—occurring for a limited amount of time; not permanent
Even though I knew the pain was temporary and would go away after a short time, I still dreaded going to the dentist for my root canal

7 Contemporary—happening or beginning now or in recent times
My dad does not like listening to the contemporary music of today.

8 Location—a place or position
We need to find a central location for the party that is easy for everyone to get to.

9 Local—relating to or occurring in a particular area, city, or town, living or located nearby
The vegetables from the farmers market are fresh because they are local and not shipped across the country. Jones’ Orchard

10 Allocate—to divide and give out something for a special reason or to particular people, companies, or groups Our teacher will allocate one box of colored pencils to each table group.

11 Dislocate—to force someone or something to move from a place or position
He was afraid he would dislocate his shoulder if he continued with the wrestling match.

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