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Author: Sarah Angliss Genre: Expository Nonfiction

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1 Author: Sarah Angliss Genre: Expository Nonfiction
Big Question: How do we decide the value of different resources? Author: Sarah Angliss Genre: Expository Nonfiction

2 Vocabulary Words characteristic corrode engulfed exploit extract hoard
More Words to Know characteristic corrode engulfed exploit extract hoard rivet solvents log cabin lumber miners prospect

3 Concept Vocabulary log cabin – a small roughly-built house made of logs lumber – timber that has been roughly cut into boards and prepared for use miners – people who work in a mine prospect – to explore a region for oil, gold, or other minerals (Next Slide)

4 log cabin

5 lumber

6 miners

7 prospect

8 Vocabulary Words

9 Vocabulary Words characteristic – distinguishing one person or thing from others; special corrode – to wear or eat away gradually engulfed – swallowed up; overwhelmed

10 Vocabulary Words exploit – to make use of
extract – to pull or draw out hoard – what is saved and stored away

11 More Words to Know rivet – a metal bolt with a head at one end, the other end being hammered into another head after insertion solvents – substances, usually liquids, that can dissolve other substances (Next slide)

12 corrode

13 engulfed

14 hoard

15 rivet

16 solvents

17 Words to Know convenient- handy advancement- process of promoting a cause probability- chances biology- the study of living organisms promotion- the act of raising someone to a higher position expandable- able to become larger

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