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Closing the West Post Civil War West (1870s).

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1 Closing the West Post Civil War West (1870s)

Precious Metals. The California Gold Rush in 1849 and later dis- coveries of gold and silver in other western states brought prospectors westward. Cheap Land. The Homestead Act (1862) promised settlers 160 acres of free land if they farmed the land for 5 years. this law greatly increased the settlement of the West. FACTORS ENCOURAGING SETTLEMENT OF THE FRONTIER A New Start. Immigrants from Europe and city people from the Eastern United States were often attracted by the prospect of starting a new life with their own piece of land. The Railroad. The completion of The Transcontinental Railroad in 1869 cut travel time to the West and enabled ranchers and farmers to ship cattle and grain to eastern markets. 2

3 Settlement of the West: Miners, Cattlemen, Ranchers
Promontory Point, UT (May 10, 1869) FACTORS Promoting Settlement: 1848: discovery of gold & silver mines (impact) Construction of RR (land grants) created transportation & promote settlement Homestead Act of 1862: 160 acres of free land; 500,000 took advantage Western farming techniques: dry farming, deeper plows, new strains of wheat, barbed wire, hardships

4 Railroad Construction

5 West Settled: Impact on Native Americans
Increased western settlement = conflict A Century of Dishonor: Helen Hunt Jackson describes treatment of N-A Destruction of plains buffalo Push for assimilation of NA Dawes Act: tribal lands broken into lots of 160 acres (breaks up tribes): live 25 years & adopt civilized life = citizenship

6 END of Frontier? Turner’s Thesis
1890: Census Bureau “frontier settled” Frederick Jackson Turner: “Significance of Frontier in American History”: 300 years of frontier life shaped our history: Promoted independence, self-reliance Promoted democracy (fewer class distinctions)

7 Changes in Farming More commercialized, mechanized: by 1900, 37% fewer farmers needed Increased production= lower prices Fewer self-sustaining farmers: crops grown for overseas market More farmers forced off land (city workers)

8 Inventor of the Grain Reaper (1834) Cyrus McCormick ( )

9 Essential Questions What national issues emerged in the process of closing the western frontier? Why does the West hold such an important place in the American imagination? In what ways is the West romanticized in American culture?

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