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Editor to Editor: Letters between a Lovecraft fan and Poe Scholar

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1 Editor to Editor: Letters between a Lovecraft fan and Poe Scholar
Kathryn Heffner English Department, The University of Iowa




5 Letters to the Editor of Weird Tales

6 Thomas Ollive Mabbott - Born July 6, 1898 Died May 15, 1968
- Attended Columbi University; studied Poe, Whitman & Milton in the course of his career - Collected old coins, and materials related to Poe - Taught at Brown, and then Hunter College 

7 August Derleth  - Author and Founding Publisher of Arkham Press, a publishing house devoted to weird tales; especially those of Lovecraft 

8 Mabbott Collection, The University of Iowa

9 Derleth Collection, Wisconsin State Historical Society

10 Mabbott & Poe  “It is too bad there is difficulty about paper for a book like Lovecraft’s. His work is LITERATURE with a capital L, and publication thereof is to my mind part of the record of American culture.” “I have written this deliberately, because sometimes officials in charge of such matters as releases of paper may be interested in a professorial opinions. The fact Lovecraft printed his work so largely in pulp magazines must lead a person not acquainted with its scholarly and artistic merits to underestimate it.” "“I may add that all the books from your press seem to me chosen for good style and high imaginative qualities. I wish I could say as much for the larger commercial presses in general” 

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