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IAEA Interest in the Water Framework

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1 IAEA Interest in the Water Framework
The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) is interested in developing new collaborations within the EU to help support the Water Framework Directive. The IAEA has had a Water Programme since the early 1960’s as part of its peaceful uses of nuclear technologies objective Focus has been on isotope methods to address surface water and groundwater problems around the world

2 IAEA Interest in the Water Framework
Why is the IAEA interested in EU water problems? The mission of the IAEA Water Resources Program is to improve the management of water resources by Member States through the use of isotope technologies. EU members are also IAEA Member States, so this is a way that the IAEA can support important water related activities in Europe. We are currently working with the Danube Basin groups/ICPDR and would like to expand our involvement with the WFD

3 What can the IAEA provide?
Technical assistance including isotope analyses to implement isotope hydrology studies for national and transboundary water problems. Examples of specific areas where we can help include: Conceptual model development and testing Recharge area identification Groundwater ages and pathways Groundwater/surface water interactions including groundwater dependant ecosystems Nutrient and pollutant studies Compound specific isotope analyses can help understand impacts from multiple sources and evaluate in-situ degradation Impacts of land use and other environmental changes Isotopes are a “best practice” for hydrologic characterization

4 Thank You! For Further Information Please Contact:
Brent D. Newman at the IAEA Isotope Hydrology Section

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