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NSWALC Employment and Enterprises

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1 NSWALC Employment and Enterprises
Regional Forums February 2018 Phil Berry

2 NSWALC Employment & Enterprises
Employment services, training and employment brokerage Aboriginal housing Land development and construction

3 Aims Create jobs and enterprise opportunities for Aboriginal people
Increase the supply of quality, affordable housing for Aboriginal people Help LALCs unlock the value of their land

4 “Having a secure, stable job that earns a decent wage is the single greatest pathway out of poverty and disadvantage - not just for Aboriginal people but for everyone. However, it’s incredibly difficult to hold down a job or undertake study if you don’t have a safe, functioning home” - Cr Roy Ah-See

5 “Over the past decade some LALC’s have achieved remarkable success in housing, real estate development and construction. However, progress has been uneven, with many LALCs not having sufficient resources on their own to unlock the full value and potential of their key assets – their land and land council membership” - Cr Roy Ah-See

6 NSWALC Strategic Plan 2018-2022
The third wave of Aboriginal Land Rights

7 Industry partnerships
Strategic opportunities, and untapped potential The Land Council network

8 Western Sydney City Western Sydney Indigenous Business Hub

9 Working with the Network

10 NSWALC Housing, Land Development and Construction
Stephen Powter

11 Opportunities for a NSWALC housing capability
transfer of Aboriginal Housing Office stock to the Aboriginal community housing sector by 2022 social housing growth initiatives under Future Directions – especially the Social and Affordable Housing Fund longer term – more transfers of public housing stock to the community housing sector, and broader demand for additional housing in the greater Sydney region and in regional centres on the coast and inland.

12 Two types of partnership
Six mainstream Tier 1 community housing providers – willing to share their systems and expertise with NSWALC. Alliance with the existing regional Aboriginal housing organisations.

13 Two important housing initiatives
A bid for the Social and Affordable Housing Fund Phase 2. Proposal to NSW Government to transfer AHO assets to the NSWALC Tier 1.

14 SAHF SAHF is not a grant program to build houses, it’s a 25-year contract to deliver housing services. Monthly Service Payment from the Government - covers gap between rents and the costs of financing and operating accommodation.

15 SAHF can provide: a funding source to build houses on LALC land
additional social and affordable housing for Aboriginal households assets that LALCs can use as they wish after 25 years.

16 We need to draw together the collective strength of the sector and build a significant Aboriginal housing capacity quickly: LALCs can access a trusted partner with full capabilities, and deliver more housing, and Aboriginal organisations can compete for a share of social housing growth.

17 Complex issues in the broader LALC housing sector - shared responsibility requiring a joint approach between Government and the sector. NSWALC’s Tier 1 can’t take on all of the complex issues while it is still finding its feet.

18 Land Development NSWALC will establish its own land development capability and work with LALCs to assess the potential for residential and other development. Expertise to be acquired through partnerships with existing developers who are willing to support a stand‑alone Aboriginal capability.

19 Infrastructure Construction
NSWALC will establish a broader infrastructure construction capability for larger‑scale residential developments and the larger pipeline of infrastructure projects. NSWALC has had positive initial discussions with Tier 1 infrastructure construction companies about partnering with us on: sub‑contracting opportunities for new and existing Aboriginal enterprises, and knowledge transfer to Aboriginal enterprises.

20 NSWALC Employment Joanne McCallum

21 Why? Council endorsed strategy and Strategic Plan
Employment = effective pathway out of economic disadvantage Access fair share of economy Why?

22 Integrated Strategy Principles Consultation Business Case How?

23 Concept Map

24 Employment Services Partnerships to improve pathways to employment
Aboriginal-owned employment services entity Trials and pilots Employment Services

25 Better link employers with prospective Aboriginal employees
Leverage off Aboriginal employment targets and aspirations Employer and government engagement Labour Hire and Novation Employment Brokerage

26 Training Academy Training linked to real jobs Wrap around supports
Training not just for jobs, but for better jobs Training Academy

27 Question 1: What lessons have you learnt from existing or previous partnerships your LALCs have had with other organisations? In this activity think about what worked well and what didn’t If it worked well, what made it work well? If it didn’t work well, what would you do differently next time? Particularly interested in experiences dealing with entities you partnered with to increase employment opportunities and with training providers but lessons from any other partnership arrangement will be fine. Through group discussion, share experiences and lessons learned. Record the lessons on butchers paper to report back to the group (need a scribe and a volunteer to report back for each group)

28 Question 2: The Future Thinking of your particular communities and regions, what are the opportunities (positive characteristics) and challenges (barriers/obstacles) that should be considered when thinking about how NSWALC might be able to expand the reach of the employment projects? Individually - write your ideas on the post-it notes – one idea per post-it note If comfortable, include name of LALC on the post-it notes Add post-it notes to the ‘Opportunities’ butchers paper and ‘Challenges’ butchers paper as appropriate


30 Engagement with LALCs How can NSWALC Employment and Enterprises engage with you to promote employment services, training and brokerage? How do we reach Aboriginal peoples who are not members of the Network? We’re interested to find out from you how we can best share information about what we are doing with Aboriginal peoples and provide on-going opportunities for you to shape this work?

31 Further feedback, comments, suggestions?
Please us at Say that we’re happy to hear from LALC members and other Aboriginal peoples in NSW after the forums when people have had the opportunity to process all the information presented today.

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