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Psalm 55:1-8 ( Tune: I’m Not Ashamed to Own My Lord)

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Presentation on theme: "Psalm 55:1-8 ( Tune: I’m Not Ashamed to Own My Lord)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Psalm 55:1-8 ( Tune: I’m Not Ashamed to Own My Lord)
Words: The Book of Psalms for Singing, 55A Music: I’m Not Ashamed, Isaac Watts Arrangement: Chris Reeves

2 1. Give ear to this my prayer, O God, Nor hide Thee from my cry.
Give an-swer for I can-not rest but must com-plain and sigh.

3 2. Be-cause I hear the voice of foes, be-cause the wick-ed… …press
For they in an-ger bear a grudge and on me bring dis-tress.

4 3. Deep an-guish is with -in my heart, death’s…
…ter-rors o’er me roll. Great trem-bling, fear-ful-ness… …and dread have o-ver-whelmed my soul.

5 4. I cried, O that I like a dove had wings to fly a - way.
Then would I flee and try to find a rest-ful place to stay.

6 5. Lo, I would wan-der far and lodge in some lone…
…de-sert waste; From stor-my wind and tem-pest high I would es-cape in haste.

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