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EECS Computing Enterprise Proposed Organization and Funding

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1 EECS Computing Enterprise Proposed Organization and Funding
David E. Culler Computer Science Division U.C. Berkeley CS258 S99

2 Outline Background facts Proposed Tech. Staff Organization
Proposed funding model Discussion 11/19/2018

3 Randy’s Charge to VC C&N
Create an effective, coherent, modern, department wide computing environment simplify our lives eliminate artificial barriers and inequities scale to emerging research and instructional demands 11/19/2018

4 Context Transition over the years Incredible Growth and Change
terminal / shared server (UCBVax, Diva) many independent workstations + group servers development of shared infrastructure services SWW + Auspex home directories, ... Incredible Growth and Change 3500 IP addresses in EECS, CS. PCs everywhere ethernet/FDDI -> FDDI -> ATM -> switched ethernet -> 1000BT Cory net, soda net multicast NT Linux \cs\ grown from 300 GB to over 1 TB in one year 600 GB of NT Clustered storage (dept. wide prototype) 1.5M$ per year into instruction in two years 11/19/2018

5 Situation Today Powerful Infrastructure Services on the Network
file, information, name, mail, time, web, ftp directory, calendar Rich desktop environment not just config and shell scripts plugins, registries, ... NT reaching par with Unix PCs widespread Small devices emerging Users are pretty confused who do I go to for what? What should work? Vast unmanaged machine assets constant breakins 11/19/2018

6 Faculty Survey (9/99) 66% - comp. infrastructure limits their teaching
55% - comp. infrastructure limits their research Happiness on scale of 10 desktop 6.2 networking 6.1 infrastructure 5.9 instructional 5.5 lab 5.4 classroom 4.9 new user 4.5 12% say they spend too much on computer support they had dedicated staff 11/19/2018

7 Staff Situation TCS disbanded in 1/1/97
Split dept (IESG) and ERL (CSG) stemmed the tide of red ink and retired debt several tech staff reporting to MSOs CS infrastructure provided by Titan NSF grant ends soon (6/31/99 + extension) Unclear who is responsible for what project planning and mgmt difficult Unclear what pays for what NAF ?? CSG Contracts ?? Cory Infrastructure?? CSG recharge, IESG recharge General unease is instruction subsidizing research or vice versa? 11/19/2018

8 Outline of the Emerging Enterprise
Research Instructional EECS Wide Services Integrated Unix/NT Single user directory (LDAP) feeds (or replaces) Unix NIS, NT DS everybody has both accounts Single resource database every machine has a current administrator Common set of services across NT/Unix, Research/Instruction, Soda/Cory users, groups, files server-based mail (IMAP) Scale to need (and quickly) 11/19/2018

9 Scalable Storage and Info Service (Unix)
Dept Networks Information Servers NT FS RAID Storage Servers Redundant Cluster Network Web FTP pop imap (1.2 TB) LDAP DNS/ NIS Redundant Backup Server Consolidate with Cory facilities 11/19/2018

10 NT Transition Plan Provide RAID storage with backup
EECS Provide RAID storage with backup Consolidate resource domain Move users on demand into Homes Consolidate domains Build toward NetApps next 10 TB NT CS home 80 GB Comp-Sci NT SWW & Controllers NT inst 250 GB WolfPack Research NT EE Home 100 GB other Resource Domain 11/19/2018

11 New Staff Structure Form One Infrastructure Group
shared across ERL/EECS drawn from Titan, CSG, Dept, IESG Focus user support on Users! Free up instructional efforts from duplicating infrastructure Focus electronics support on labs, AV, and Devices Dept. Networked Systems Architect to lead, guide, develop, and manage the enterprise Clear, simple funding model 11/19/2018

12 Primary Technical Staff Groups
Instructional Support Group EECS Admin. Comp Group Electronics Support Group Infrastructure Development and Support Group Computer User Support Group ERL Research Groups Research Groups Research Groups 11/19/2018

13 Organization 5-8 tech staff per group ERL Director CNR Vice Chair EECS
CRM III MSOs CUSG Supervisor IDSG Supervisor ESG Supervisor ISG Supervisor CUSG Staff IDSG Staff ESG Staff ISG Staff 5-8 tech staff per group 11/19/2018

14 Workflow Electronics Support Group Instructors & Student users
Instructional Support Group Dept. Staff Admin. Comp Group Infrastructure Development and Support Group Research Groups Self-admin. Faculty, GSR Research Groups Research Groups Computer User Support Group Typical Faculty GSR users 11/19/2018

15 It’s broke! Who do you call?
Office desktop computer? => CUSG unless you hire your own admin Classroom? Computer Lab? => ISG Device? Electronics Lab? Wires? => ESG If it’s under the floor or in the machine room, IDSG is responsible front-line staff should do the isolation and make the call IDSG deals with IS&T as needed 11/19/2018

16 Function: IDSG The Network (subcontract to IS&T as approp)
The Shared Servers Common Binaries (SWW, NT-SWW) Services time (NTP), names (DNS), configuration (DHCP) directory (LDAP), NIS, NT DS file (NFS, NTFS, Samba) mail, messaging, news (IMAP, POP, Exchange) User, calendar Web, FTP, Print Backup (services and files) Management Security Disaster recovery 11/19/2018

17 Function: CUSG High quality user support on contract
user account, support, questions, documentation system configuration (standardized) proactive system tracking, upgrade, monitoring periodic user environment checkups helpdesk: problem notification, diagnosis, correction, and tracking escalating priority of open problem reports 90% resolution within two days security issue resolution Time and materials support off-contract assistance special system support Subcontract HW support Development of support and management tools 11/19/2018

18 Function: ISG Efficient support of instructional computing
more narrowly focused base of systems, applications, user configuration large user population uniformity Development of advanced instructional infrastructure changing faculty teaching needs new technology grants, donations, campus liaison 11/19/2018

19 Function: ESG Development and support of instructional electronics labs PCs, instruments, devices priority Support of research electronics and devices recharge basis Development and support of AV Support of administrative devices cardkeys, copiers, etc. 11/19/2018

20 Organization 11/19/2018 CRM III EECS Systems Arch CUSG IDSG ISG ESG
PAIV UNIX Arch Net Fred PA IV NT arch PA III NT Jon Unix AT Secuity PA II Sys. Adm PET Bruce Rob Mark Lars Husain Jason Phil Kevin M SDE Ferenc El. Tech Assc DE Law Asst DE Nguyen Monino ACG PAIII Pardoe PA I 11/19/2018

21 Funding What you pay today? Cory: Soda NAF $120/year
Devine Acct (50 MB) $180/year Additional Storage $1200/year per GB Desktop CSG $400/year SWW $200/year HW $ /year basic unix desktop package (300MB) $ HW NT ???? Soda NAF ??? $120/year Desktop CSG ??? $400/year Storage $400/GB (backup???) 11/19/2018

22 Going rates L&S CR Well Run Departments
University of Wisconsin: $1200/year 1997 Princeton $2600/year Cornell $4500/year 11/19/2018

23 Proposed Funding: Infrastructure
Explicit cost sharing across EECS/ERL All research users Computer Infrastructure Fee (CIS) $35/month Includes 100MB Unix, 100 MB NT, 100 MB mail replaces NAF Additional storage $275/GB + $140/GB/Year (after first) disaster recovery Ports $300 (up front or monthly rate?) IS&T may apply 5$/month port fee (-3$/mo telephone) EECS provides FTE and fees according to load 11/19/2018

24 CUSG Contract $730/year client machine $1350/year server
Hourly labor: $56/hour HW subcontract Going rate today: 100K$/Year PAIII 11/19/2018

25 What Does it Buy? IDSG CUSG Unix Arch PA IV Unix PA III NT Arch PA IV
NT PA III (FTE) Network manager (FTE) Elec. Tech Server Admin PA II Basic capital maintenance and replacement CUSG 70:1 workstation to staff ratio (been at 100:1) assumes 300 unix, 100 NT contracts initially 11/19/2018

26 Open Issues Transition to Campus Tier II and relationship to IS&T per port Fees Campus support for faculty computing via Deans 11/19/2018

27 The Scenario Electronics Support Group Instructors & Student users
Instructional Support Group Dept. Staff Admin. Comp Group Infrastructure Development and Support Group Research Groups Self-admin. Faculty, GSR Research Groups Research Groups Computer User Support Group Typical Faculty GSR users 11/19/2018

28 Outstanding Thorns Modems Transition of capital equipment and debt
48 instructional, 64 ERL (14.4 and 28.8) aging, but inexpensive to carry expensive to replace will need to find alternative (SHIP, IS&T, …) Transition of capital equipment and debt AV funding model Eventually need alternative to tape backup 11/19/2018

29 Discussion We’re a long ways towards it
CS Pleiades is solid and scalable EECS NT-SWW as start EECS NT home coming soon Soda/Cory networking Staff has been working across groups as a team division by function, rather than by platform Planned switch-over July 1, 99 Titan will smooth the transition Should we fold in port costs too? 11/19/2018

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