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CS 280 Midterm Review.

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1 CS 280 Midterm Review

2 Announcements Midterm Homework #5 Postponed to Monday, 11/12
Covers up to and including HW #5 (number theory) Homework #5

3 Logic Propositional Logic / Predicate Logic
Know the notation/terminology Meanings of operators Translating to and from English Know how to write a proof Presentation Equivalences, inference rules

4 Proof Techniques Proof by contradiction Proof by contraposition
Existence proof Uniqueness proof Counterexamples Induction Weak, strong, structural Structuring your proof

5 Sets Know the notation and terminology Proving theorems in set theory
Union, intersection, Cartesian product etc. Proving theorems in set theory Countability

6 Functions Basic notions
One-to-one Onto Inverse Composition Know the basic properties of the common functions Floor, ceiling, exponential, logarithm etc.

7 Growth Rates Big-O notation Big-Ω notation Big-Θ notation

8 Sequences/Summations
Know the basics Arithmetic progressions Geometric progressions

9 Number Theory Modular arithmetic and congruences Finding the GCD, LCM
Basic properties Finding the GCD, LCM Euclid’s algorithm Linear congruences Chinese Remainder Theorem Fermat’s Little Theorem

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