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1-2: DOMESTIC POLICY, 2000-2018.

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2 Objectives NAT 4.0 Analyze relationships among different regional, social, ethnic, and racial groups, and explain how these groups’ experiences have related to U.S. national identity. CUL 3.0 Explain how ideas about women’s rights and gender roles have affected society and politics. MIG 1.0 Explain the causes of migration to colonial North America and, later, the United States, and analyze immigration’s effects on U.S. society. MIG 2.0 Analyze causes of internal migration and patterns of settlement in what would become the United States, and explain how migration has affected American life.

3 Objectives WXT 1.0 Explain how different labor systems developed in North America and the United States, and explain their effects on workers’ lives and U.S. society. WXT 2.0 Explain how patterns of exchange, markets, and private enterprise have developed, and analyze ways that governments have responded to economic issues. WXT 3.0 Analyze how technological innovation has affected economic development and society.

4 Key Concept Moving into the 21st century, the nation experienced significant technological, economic, and demographic changes.

5 Overview Technological and Economic Changes Demographic Changes
Innovations in computing and mobile technology Increase in service jobs Decrease in manufacturing jobs Stagnant wages for middle and working class Demographic Changes New social behaviors and networks Intense political and cultural debates Immigration Diversity Gender roles Family structures

6 Bush Administration (2001-2009)
Disputed Election of 2000 George Bush (R), Al Gore (D), Ralph Nader (G) Gore popular vote victory but no Electoral victory Florida recounts Decided by Supreme Court

7 Bush Administration (2001-2009)
Domestic Policies Tax Cuts Reduced top tax bracket and capital gains tax, outlawed estate tax Criticized for giving “tax cuts to the rich” Education Reform No Child Left Behind Act Corruption Falsified earnings and profits hurt confidence in the economy Economic Bubbles End of technology boom in early 2000s Interest rates cut Money moved into real estate, creating the bubble that brought on the 2008 recession

8 Obama Administration (2009-2017)
The Transition Rapidly growing economic crisis TARP purchased failing assets Major banks and corporations “too big to fail” Conservatives criticized as socialism Liberals criticized the bailout of Wall Street Economic Stimulus Heavy government spending to create jobs More regulations on banks

9 Obama Administration (2009-2017)
Health Care Affordable Care Act aimed at extending insurance Subsidies Mandates Insurance exchanges Republicans opposed costs, complexity, and regulations Budget Deficits The Tea Party and the 2010 Midterm Elections

10 Obama Administration (2009-2017)
Congress in Gridlock Highly partisan political climate Budget stalemates Government shutdowns Fears of defaulting on the debt Rulings of the Roberts Court With a dysfunctional Congress, major issues being resolved in the courts Creation of Super PACs Same-sex marriage legal Affordable Care Act constitutional under power to tax Protection of gun rights

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