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Driving the CAR: Re-Engineering Student-Centered Support

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Presentation on theme: "Driving the CAR: Re-Engineering Student-Centered Support"— Presentation transcript:

1 Driving the CAR: Re-Engineering Student-Centered Support
April Daniels Renee Dimino Terry Shamblin Innovations 2018 Conference

2 Agenda for Workshop Institutional Context and Workshop Goals
Center for Academic Reading at Monroe Community College Activity: Student Success Factors Creating an Academic Home Lessons for Learning Centers at Your Institution

3 Affective Check-In Introduce yourselves to your group members, and then fully discuss the following questions, making sure each person shares: Introduce yourself, describe your role at your institution, and briefly share the current context at your institution. What are your goals for coming to this session? As your colleagues shared their answers to #1 and #2 above, what patterns did you notice in your group? ******************************************************** Be ready to share in 10 minutes.

4 Cognitive Effort Examine the following information to come to your own understanding of the Center for Academic Reading (CAR), which you’ll then share with your colleagues.

5 Share out what you learned about the Center for Academic Reading.
19 November 2018

6 Student Success Factors
Using the Post-it notes at your table, write down the factors you feel contribute to success. Look at the categories displayed on the big yellow Post-it notes around the room. Add your factors to the categories where you feel they best fit.

7 Gallery Walk: Take a moment to walk around the room and explore the ideas generated.

8 What does it mean to create an academic home for students?

9 Creating an Academic Home
Serve the whole student Walk-in Come as they are Stay as long as they need Address the three learning domains Foster a collaborative-constructivist approach 19 November 2018

10 Creating an Academic Home
Centrally located Resources for students, tutors, and faculty Full-time coordinator Academic posters Flexible floor space Access to technology Professional CRLA trained tutors 19 November 2018

11 Data C-or-better Rates:
For TS01 students taking one or more TRS or REA course in a semester: Those who use the CAR have a higher C-or-better rate than students who don’t (+17.6%) Those who use any learning center have a higher C-or-better rate than students who don’t (+8.0%) Those that visit both the CAR and other learning centers have the highest C-or-better rates (+22.9) Clearly, there is a correlation between use of the CAR specifically, and student success. 19 November 2018

12 Data Persistence: Fall 2016 – fall 2017: 80.9% persisted to Spring 2017 census; this is approximately 5% higher than the institutional fall to spring persistence rate. Growth: The center saw a 47% increase in unique student visits from spring 2014 to spring 2017, and a 79% increase in duplicated visits. 19 November 2018

13 Metacognitive Reflection and Questions
What’s one take away or lesson you’ve gotten from today’s session? What is one thing you’ll implement at your institution?

14 Innovation of the Year Award 2018!
19 November 2018

15 Thank You! April Daniels Renee Dimino
Terry Shamblin

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