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Environmental Factors Chapter 10

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2 Environmental Factors Chapter 10
Athletic Injuries ATC 222 Environmental Factors Chapter 10

3 Heat and Cold Exchange Metabolism Conduction Convection Radiation
Evaporation humidity decreased at 65% stops at 75%

4 Cold Exposure Types Contributing Factors Hypothermia Frostbite
clothing activity wind temperature moisture

5 Frostbite Types Signs and Symptoms Treatment Frostnip Superficial Deep
cold, white, waxy, hard, numb Treatment

6 Hypothermia Etiology Signs and symptoms Treatment

7 Heat Illness 3 Types Heat Cramps Heat Exhaustion Heat Stroke etiology
signs and symptoms treatment

8 Heat Exhaustion Etiology Signs and symptoms Treatment
pale, cool, clammy skin profuse sweating rapid, weak pulse dizzy, weak, headache, nausea normal core temperature Treatment

9 Heat Stroke Etiology Signs and symptoms Treatment unconscious?
no active sweating hot, dry, red skin rapid strong pulse elevated core temperature (106 F) dilated pupils Treatment

10 Prevention acclimatization fluid replacement
before, during, and after activity 45-55 F temperature identify high risk athletes weight charts clothing playing surface wind, temperature, and humidity heat index sling psychrometer


12 Sport Drinks 5-8% Carbohydrate solution
trace Na, K, Cl (.8g per 8 ounces)

13 Lightning Safety National Severe Storms Service Flash to Bang Method

14 The End

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