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After weeks of blue skies and high temperatures, health leaders across South Cheshire and Vale Royal want to make sure we're enjoying the good weather,

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Presentation on theme: "After weeks of blue skies and high temperatures, health leaders across South Cheshire and Vale Royal want to make sure we're enjoying the good weather,"— Presentation transcript:

1 After weeks of blue skies and high temperatures, health leaders across South Cheshire and Vale Royal want to make sure we're enjoying the good weather, but not to exhaustion. Heat exhaustion is not serious and usually gets better when you cool down. If it turns into heat stroke it needs to be treated as an emergency. Signs of heat exhaustion include: Headache Dizziness and confusion Loss of appetite and feeling sick Excessive sweating and pale, clammy skin Cramps in the arms, legs and stomach Fast breathing or pulse Temperature of 38C or above Intense thirst

2 Dr Sinead Clarke, GP and Clinical Director at NHS South Cheshire Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) and NHS Vale Royal CCG, said: "Heat exhaustion isn't actually that serious. Getting into a cool, shaded place, lying down with your feet raised, drinking plenty of water and getting in front of a fan will usually sort you out. "If after half-an-hour you're not feeling better, then you should call 999 as you may be showing signs of heat stroke which can be a lot more serious." It's important that people with asthma have their blue reliever inhaler with them at all times, especially in warm weather as it can be a trigger for the condition.   Dr Clarke added: "We're not too sure why heat triggers asthma, but we know that it can. "If you have got a blue inhaler, make sure you're keeping it cool because if it gets hot, it won't work as well.  So, avoid leaving it in a car glovebox or on a windowsill.   "Also, don't forget to use your preventer inhaler if you've been prescribed one."

3 To keep cool in the hot weather:
Drink plenty of cold drinks, especially when exercising Take cool baths or showers Wear light-coloured, loose clothing Sprinkle water over skin or clothes Avoid the sun between 11am and 3pm Avoid excess alcohol Avoid extreme exercise Local pharmacists and the free NHS 111 phone service will be able of offer more advice on health concerns as the warm weather continues. You can also visit NHS Choices at

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