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UW LEND Hot tip! Introduction

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Presentation on theme: "UW LEND Hot tip! Introduction"— Presentation transcript:

1 Attract More Viewers By Using A Concise, Interesting Title Author’s Name and Professional Degree
UW LEND Hot tip! Introduction Briefly describe what you set out to accomplish. Your goal should be to get the viewer interested, so they want to read on. Try to briefly highlight the important issues. You may want to include a photograph. Results Tell the viewer how successful you were. Give your analysis referring to specific details of the study. Describe the outcome using supporting charts and graphs when possible. Discussion Discuss the key findings of the study. You may want to address study limitations. Do not photos out of proportion. stretch Hot tip! Use italics or bold for emphasis, instead of underlining. Use a Table to present a variety of information in an organized manner. Hot tip! Use a line graph to show continuing data or trends over time. Day Men Women Children Monday 52 70 113 Tuesday 66 99 89 Wednesday 134 69 96 Thursday 45 84 Friday 77 55 173 Mixing font types or colors can be distracting. Conclusion State whether or not your data supported your hypothesis. Discuss why your results are conclusive. Comment on relevance, impact and future studies. Methods Briefly describe the how you did what you did. You may want to list equipment and steps used, but you do not need to go into great detail. Use of tables, figures or photographs may be helpful. Use a bar graph to show how multiple items differ from each other in a single characteristic. Use a Pie graph to compare percentages or different parts of a whole. 18% 25% Hot tip! 57% Unless required, consider giving Abstract and References as a separate hand out. Hot tip! Do not put text or images right up to the border.

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