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Brain Health Classroom

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1 Brain Health Classroom
Presented by: Jennifer Kestenbaum & Jason Busby

2 School as a Brain Health Center
“The sexiest part of you is your frontal lobe” -Dr. Paul Nussbaum

3 Left Brain vs. Right Brain?
Left: Sequential Right: Creative/Non-Linear Cross-Stem The Classroom: Daniel Pink Abundance, Automation & Asia (left brain) Creativity, Design & Imagination (right brain) Women v. Men Activities: Leg Activity Paper Funnel White White Cow Common Fallacy : No link b/w left & right brain Brain breaks are cross stem

4 Left Brain v. Right Brain
20th century was driven largely by left brain thinking Shopping Mall Example Men: Seek and Destroy Women: Isn’t this pretty? Women notice music, use sense of touch, try on everything Impact on students: male students Women and men communicate & comprehend differently

5 By looking at things differently, we can see something new.
Focus your attention on his eye Then shift your attention to his neck and chin area Did you see the man turn his face? Survey how many women saw the profile right away v. men Creativity: approaching problems with a fresh perspective and multiple perspectives

6 Touch (Brain -sight vs. Eyesight)
Object manipulation helps students make sense of the world and acquire the skills they will need to navigate abstract learning. Experiments have shown that touch is as important as vision for learning and retaining information. Image Source: The Tinker School Drawing Activity: Sketch each other Then the object blind sketch Brain-Sight Box

7 Brain-sight Eyesight Object Robber Hands Activity: Wesson Quotes:
“Touch turns on the brain” “Skin is the other half of the brain” “Drawing is to day as dreaming is to night” Object

8 David Brooks: The Social Animal
Show to 2:40 David Brooks: The Social Animal

9 David Brooks: The Social Animal
Reason separated from emotions We can’t learn without emotion – we learn from the people we love Fight or Flight: modern day saber tooth tigers




13 Brain Reserve: Alzheimer’s
We will talk about why we were playing classical music while they came in and while they were taking the survey (classical : more complex patterns , no words)

14 Houses of Worship Story

15 Jenn will talk all about nutrition

16 Dr. Robert Brooks : The Power of Mindsets
Avoidance Motivation School is a place where “my deficits are highlighted and my strengths ignored.” Charismatic Adult Students don’t care what we know until they first know that we care. Islands of Competence Ray McNulty “It’s Not Us Against Them” Definition of Mindset: The assumptions and expectations we possess about ourselves and others that guide our behavior.

17 The Spaghetti Experiment

18 Dr. Robert Brooks : The Power of Mindsets
Islands of Competence Brainstorm your strengths as an educator (your islands of competence) Share with a partner! Partner feedback: How can your partner’s islands be used with students? Switch Ray McNulty “It’s Not Us Against Them” Definition of Mindset: The assumptions and expectations we possess about ourselves and others that guide our behavior.

19 Resources Dr. Paul Nussbaum's Website
Paul Nussbaum – “Building a Brain Health Environment in the School” Dr. Robert Brooks (website & monthly newsletter) “The Search for Islands of Competence: A Metaphor of Hope and Strength” The Educator’s Mindset: The Basis for Touching a Student’s Mind and Heart Dr. Kenneth Wesson “Brain-Sight” Can Touch Allow Us to ‘See’ Better than Sight?” TED Talks David Brooks: “The Social Animal” Tom Wujec: “Build a tower, build a team” (a.k.a. The Spaghetti Experiment) Brain Breaks K-6 Brain Break Ideas K-12 Brain Break Ideas David Brooks New Humanism Ray McNulty International Center for Leadership in Education (ICLE)

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