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ARC-IT Training Session 2: ARC-IT Website Tour

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1 ARC-IT Training Session 2: ARC-IT Website Tour
June 2017 ARC-IT Training Session 2: ARC-IT Website Tour This is the second session of the ARC-IT Training. In this session, we will explore the ARC-IT website.

2 This session will take approximately 30 minutes to complete.
ARC-IT Training June 2017 Session Outcome Find key components of ARC-IT on website This session will take approximately 30 minutes to complete. We will look at the layout and components of the website. At the end of this session, you will be able to find key ARC-IT components on the website. It will take approximately 30 minutes to complete this session.

3 ARC-IT Training June 2017 ARC-IT Website Organizes the architecture content in a layered hypertext format Allows for easy and quick targeted access to topics of interest The ARC-IT website supports the organization of the architecture content in a layered hypertext format. This provides for easy, quick, and targeted access to the topics of interest.

4 ARC-IT Website Address
ARC-IT Training June 2017 ARC-IT Website Address In this session, we will be taking a tour of the ARC-IT website. If possible, you will want to open the website in another window or tab of your internet browser and follow along.

5 ARC-IT Website Title and Menu Bar
ARC-IT Training June 2017 ARC-IT Website Title and Menu Bar The ARC-IT website has a title area at the top of each page. Underneath the title is a menu bar that is used to navigate through the architecture.

6 ARC-IT Website: Version/Last Update
ARC-IT Training June 2017 ARC-IT Website: Version/Last Update Each page of the website contains a footer that contains the date that ARC-IT was last updated. This training course was developed when the last update of this ARC-IT page was xxx (will need to update when we finalize the site).

7 ARC-IT Website: Home Page
ARC-IT Training June 2017 ARC-IT Website: Home Page The home page of the website defines ARC-IT and includes links to its four views. A diagram depicting the four views is shown and includes hyperlinks to the views. ARC-IT is sponsored and led by US DOT’s ITS Joint Program Office. A link to their website is included on the home page. A box contains the latest news on ARC-IT. If you are new to ITS Architecture there is a link to a key architecture concepts that describes key architecture terms and how they are related.

8 ARC-IT Website: Architecture Pull-Down
ARC-IT Training June 2017 ARC-IT Website: Architecture Pull-Down The first item on the menu bar is Architecture and includes the key entry points into the architecture of Service Packages and the Views. In addition it includes the approach used to develop the architecture and security considerations.

9 ARC-IT Website: Service Packages
ARC-IT Training June 2017 ARC-IT Website: Service Packages The next section of the Architecture pulldown is Methodology, which describes the Methodology behind the structure of the Architecture. The methodology says: A system has an architecture. Stakeholders have interests in the system. Stakeholders have concerns. Architecture viewpoints frame concerns, and architecture views address those concerns.

10 ARC-IT Website: Service Packages Page
ARC-IT Training June 2017 ARC-IT Website: Service Packages Page The first item on the Architecture pull-down is Service Packages. This page represents one of the most likely entry points to the architecture, as the physical view is organized around these Service Packages. There are a total of 133 service packages defined in 12 areas ranging from Commercial Vehicle Operations (shown in diagram) to Weather. The organization of service packages is similar to that used in the Version 7.1 of the National ITS Architecture, but the short names of the service packages has been revised to be more descriptive of the area names. The first group of SPs are those relating to Commercial Vehicle Operations.

11 ARC-IT Website: Service Packages
ARC-IT Training June 2017 ARC-IT Website: Service Packages The next sets of SPs are Data Management, which were called Archived Data in Version 7.1 Maintenance and Construction, which had the same name in Version 7.1 Parking Management is a new area that brings together parking related SPs from Version 7.1 and from CVRIA. Note that the SPs have a new set of acronyms based on the new Areas. For example Parking Management SPs are called PMxx.

12 ARC-IT Website: Service Packages
ARC-IT Training June 2017 ARC-IT Website: Service Packages The next two key areas are Public Safety and Public Transportation, both new area names, and the SP short names are acronyms PSxx and PTxx.

13 ARC-IT Website: Service Packages
ARC-IT Training June 2017 ARC-IT Website: Service Packages Two of the new areas of SPs are Support and Sustainable Travel. The first area covers services that support either all the other services (e.g. Map Management) or support all the connected vehicle services alone (e.g. Security and Credentials Management). Sustainable Travel covers a set of services relating to how ITS can be used to create have a positive environmental impact on transportation. Some of these, such as Roadside Lighting were part of Version But many of them are a part of DOT’s AERIS effort (e.g. low emissions zone management).

14 ARC-IT Website: Service Packages
ARC-IT Training June 2017 ARC-IT Website: Service Packages The next two areas are Traffic Management (TMxx) and Traveler Information (TIxx). These are very similar to the two areas in Version 7.1

15 ARC-IT Website: Service Packages
ARC-IT Training June 2017 ARC-IT Website: Service Packages The final two areas are Vehicle Safety (VSxx) and Weather (WXxx). The VS service packages cover many of the Connected Vehicle applications from CVRIA. The new weather area brings together the weather collection and distribution previously in the Maintenance and Construction area along with a weather related connected vehicle application.

16 ARC-IT Website- Service Package Details
ARC-IT Training June 2017 ARC-IT Website- Service Package Details Each Service package contains a set of details about the service. I have selected VS08 Queue Warning. Note at the top of the page you can move to the previous or next SP (based on the numbering). When you select an SP the default page is the Physical View Information. I will cover the information in the physical representation of the SP in the next couple slides. Additional information that can be selected for each SP are The Enterprise view of the SP, the functional View of the SP, The Goals, Objectives, and Performance measures that have been mapped to the SP. Next is the Requirements tab, which shows needs and requirements relevant to the SP. The Sources tab indicates what source document applies to the SP. For many of the Version 7.1 SPs, this will be the User Service Document. For the newer Connected Vehicle SPs these source documents are a variety of USDOT efforts.

17 ARC-IT Website Queue Warning Page – Physical View
ARC-IT Training June 2017 ARC-IT Website Queue Warning Page – Physical View When a Service Package is selected, the page opens on the Physical view for the SP, on the third tab. A diagram of the physical view for the SP is available in either SVG or PNG format.

18 ARC-IT Website Queue Warning Page – Physical View
ARC-IT Training June 2017 ARC-IT Website Queue Warning Page – Physical View Physical diagrams include physical objects and functional objects involved in a service. Physical objects are defined to represent the major physical components of the connected vehicle environment. Physical objects represent operational centers, field equipment, vehicle on-board equipment, traveler devices, support systems and humans. Physical objects are made up of functional objects that define more specifically the functionality and interfaces that are required to support a particular service. Functional objects are shown as white boxes within a physical object. Information exchanges between physical objects, known as information flows, are shown on the diagrams as arrows to indicate the direction the information is flowing. Each flow is labeled with a name that identifies the information that is transferred.

19 ARC-IT Website Service Package Page– Physical View
ARC-IT Training June 2017 ARC-IT Website Service Package Page– Physical View On the physical view of the Service Package below the physical diagram, the physical objects, application objects and information flows involved in the application are listed in tables. If you are not able to view the diagrams in SVG format, you are not able to select objects or flows from the diagrams but you can select them from the tables to obtain more information.

20 ARC-IT Website Service Package– Physical View Information Flow
ARC-IT Training June 2017 ARC-IT Website Service Package– Physical View Information Flow On the flow page, information about the flow is provided including the flow definition and the source and destination objects. The same flow name may be used on multiple paths if that flow is carrying the same information, so for that reason, flows are defined as triples. A triple is the combination of a source object, destination object and the flow name. Triples are the basis for understanding the specific communication requirements and are the inputs into the standardization process. For each triplet the tabs are Definition, Included in (what service packages and functional objects contain the triple), Communications Diagram (

21 ARC-IT Website: Service Package Page – Triplet Communication View
ARC-IT Training June 2017 ARC-IT Website: Service Package Page – Triplet Communication View On the flow page, the communications view can be viewed by selecting the Communication Diagrams tab. Communication diagrams display the applicable standards in the communication protocol stack in order for the information to get from the source to the destination for various communication options.

22 ARC-IT Website: Views ARC-IT Training June 2017
The next section of the Architecture pulldown is Methodology, which describes the Methodology behind the structure of the Architecture. The methodology says: A system has an architecture. Stakeholders have interests in the system. Stakeholders have concerns. Architecture viewpoints frame concerns, and architecture views address those concerns.

23 ARC-IT Website: Views Page
ARC-IT Training June 2017 ARC-IT Website: Views Page From the architecture pulldown you can access the Views and Models Page, which provides hyperlinks, either on the left text or with the pictures on the right to each of the four Views.

24 ARC-IT Website: Physical View Page
ARC-IT Training June 2017 ARC-IT Website: Physical View Page The Physical view is related to the other ARC-IT views. Each Functional Object is linked to the Functional View, which describes more precisely the functions that are performed and the details of the data that is exchanged by the objects. Physical Objects and Functional Objects are also linked to the Enterprise view, which describes the organizations that are involved and the roles they play in installing, operating, maintaining, and certifying the components of the connected vehicle environment. The information flows are connected to the Communications View, which describes the protocols needed to send the information.

25 ARC-IT Website: Functional View Page
ARC-IT Training June 2017 ARC-IT Website: Functional View Page The Functional view addresses the analysis of functional components and their logical interactions. The Functional view includes a set of processes, representing activities and functions, organized hierarchically. A process performs actions to achieve a functional objective or to support actions of another process. This may involve data collection, data transformation, data generation, or processing in performing those actions. The information exchanged to or from processes are represented as data flows. The processes and data flows can be access via hyperlink on this page. If the processes reside in different physical objects, then the data flows between the processes are mapped to information flows between the physical objects.

26 ARC-IT Website Communications View Page
ARC-IT Training June 2017 ARC-IT Website Communications View Page The Communications view defines the layered sets of communications protocols that are required to support communications among the physical objects of the Physical view. These protocols need to meet the performance requirements and the constraints imposed by physical connectivity, environmental and operational challenges, and relevant policies (such as the assurance of anonymity for mandatory data provision). On the Communications view page, links are provided to descriptions of the ARC-IT Communications Model and the Communications view diagrams.

27 ARC-IT Website: Enterprise View Page
ARC-IT Training June 2017 ARC-IT Website: Enterprise View Page The Enterprise view describes the relationships between organizations and the roles those organizations play within ITS. The Enterprise view includes a set of Enterprise Objects that interact to manage, operate and exchange information with systems beyond the scope of one organization. The Enterprise View focuses on the relationships between those Enterprise Objects, but also includes interactions between Enterprise Objects and Physical objects that have significant roles in the delivery of services, which appear in an Enterprise View as Resources. The relationships in the Enterprise view include roles (for example owns, operates, or develops), or coordination that may take the form of an agreement or contract necessary to implement a connected vehicle application. Note, the second pulldown on architecture use will be considered in another session.

28 ARC-IT Website: Methodology
ARC-IT Training June 2017 ARC-IT Website: Methodology The next section of the Architecture pulldown is Methodology, which describes the Methodology behind the structure of the Architecture. The methodology says: A system has an architecture. Stakeholders have interests in the system. Stakeholders have concerns. Architecture viewpoints frame concerns, and architecture views address those concerns.

29 ARC-IT Website: Architecture Structure
ARC-IT Training June 2017 ARC-IT Website: Architecture Structure Concerns are concepts that are of interest or importance to one or more stakeholders. The website has 12 areas of concerns, with the first four are shown in the slide.

30 ARC-IT Website: Security
ARC-IT Training June 2017 ARC-IT Website: Security The next section of the Architecture pulldown is Methodology, which describes the Methodology behind the structure of the Architecture. The methodology says: A system has an architecture. Stakeholders have interests in the system. Stakeholders have concerns. Architecture viewpoints frame concerns, and architecture views address those concerns.

31 ARC-IT Website: Security

32 ARC-IT Website: Architecture Use

33 ARC-IT Website: Use in Transportation Planning

34 ARC-IT Website: Use in Project Development

35 ARC-IT Website: Architecture Resources
ARC-IT Training June 2017 ARC-IT Website: Architecture Resources The third pull-down is called Architecture Resources. This contains 4 main tabs. The first two will be discussed next. Tools describes the two tools that support development of regional and project architectures. These will be discussed further in a later session. The final tab on training discusses this course as well as courses on using the tools.

36 ARC-IT Website: Databases
ARC-IT Training June 2017 ARC-IT Website: Databases ARC-IT is defined in a series of access databases that contain everything except for the diagrams. Each database is described and can be downloaded by selecting the database.

37 ARC-IT Website: Documents
ARC-IT Training June 2017 ARC-IT Website: Documents Also under the resources tab are a set of documents describing various aspects of the architecture. Some of these are legacy documents that were created several years ago.

38 ARC-IT Website: Tools

39 ARC-IT Website: RAD-IT

40 ARC-IT Website: SET-IT

41 ARC-IT Website: Training

42 ARC-IT Website: Architecture Terminology
ARC-IT Training June 2017 ARC-IT Website: Architecture Terminology From the Architecture Terminology menu, you can view the acronym list or the Glossary for ARC-IT.

43 ARC-IT Website: Contact Us Page
ARC-IT Training June 2017 ARC-IT Website: Contact Us Page ARC-IT users can submit comments about the architecture or website. On the Contact the Architecture Team page, you can send an to the Architecture Team by filling out the form.

44 ARC-IT Training June 2017 Quiz For an architecture Service Package, what information is available in ARC-IT? That concludes our tour of the ARC-IT website. It is time for a quiz. For an architecture Service Package, what information is available on the ARC-IT Website?

45 ARC-IT Training June 2017 Quiz Review For an architecture Service Package, what information is available in ARC-IT? On the ARC-IT website, there is a webpage for each Service Package that is accessed via the Architecture menu item. For each service package there is a definition and a set of tabs providing additional information. Via the tabs, the enterprise, functional and physical views for the Service Package are available as well as the Goals and Objectives relevant to the service package, needs and requirements, sources of the Service Package and finally information about the security considerations for the service package.

46 Review Session Outcome
ARC-IT Training June 2017 Review Session Outcome Find key components of ARC-IT on website This concludes session 2 of the ARC-IT training. You should now be able to find key elements of ARC-IT on the website.

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