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Crafting my STEP 1 Study Schedule in Six Steps

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Presentation on theme: "Crafting my STEP 1 Study Schedule in Six Steps"— Presentation transcript:

1 Crafting my STEP 1 Study Schedule in Six Steps
  Be Intentional! Be Strategic! Be Efficient!  Adrian K. Reynolds, Ph.D. University of Miami Miller School of Medicine  Assistant Professor of Professional Practice  Academic Enhancement Specialist Department of Medicine Office of Diversity and Inclusion Office of Student Services  January 31, 2018

2 Learning Objective After active participation in this session, students will be able to develop a goal-oriented study schedule based upon six key criteria.  

3 Helpful Resources “Survive and Thrive” on the USMLE STEP 1 Exam d=a8e b74-4d19-80a8-4ebb87 USMLE STEP 1 Website - Class of 2020 Student Government Class Council STEP 1 website - Time management and study resources -

4 Step 1: Self reflect on your current study strategies.
Do my current study strategies promote self-directed, active learning? Do I currently use a study schedule to stay organized  and to monitor my learning outcomes? 

5 Step 2: Which study materials or resources will I utilize?
   How do these resources complement each other?  How and when will I use these resources? 

6 Step 3: How will I review each discipline/ organ system?
   In what order will I review the content?  How much time will I spend on each discipline/ organ system? 

7 Step 4: Which digital tool will I use to create my study schedule?
Does the tool facilitate efficiency and clarity? Does the tool allow me to track my progress over time?  

8 Step 5: What format or organizing principle will I use to create my study schedule?   
Is this format based on my own learning style and personal preferences?   What categories will I use to organize the content of my study schedule?  Is there room for flexibility in my study schedule?    

9 Step 6: How will I incorporate self-directed, active learning (SAL) principles into my study schedule?    How will I apply the principle of retrieval practice or test- enhanced learning?  How will I apply the principles of spaced practice, and varied practice?  How will I keep track of the extent to which I am meeting my learning objectives?  How will I critically analyze daily learning outcomes so as to guide or inform further study?  

10 Study Schedule Template
Date  Time  Discipline/ Organ System Learning Objective Learning Resource Learning Strategy  Learning Outcome 

11 Sample Study Schedule

12 Sample Study Schedule (continued)

13 Sample Study Schedule (continued)

14 Thank you!!

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