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Student Council Presents.. MOVIE NIGHT WHEN? WHERE? In the Krimmel Gym.

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2 Student Council Presents..



5 WHERE? In the Krimmel Gym

6 6:45 9:45 Doors Open Funs Over

7 How much is a ticket? For $5.00 you get A Candy Treat A Drink A Pop Corn

8 Best Costume and Door Prizes Dress up like a Character from to win a prize.

9 Tickets sold during Lunches From Monday Feb. 17 to Friday Feb. 21

10 Bring a SEAT!!!! !! The Gym Floor is Hard!!

11 *Parents and siblings are free* *Parents MUST stay with your siblings the entire Movie*

12 Join in on our Sing-A-Long This Movie has lots of Fun Songs to sing- a-long to, so please join in the fun.

13 Proper behavior is required!! Cells phones should be OFF and out of sight. Proper school attire. Silence during the movie, except for Sing-a-long

14 Hope to see you there

15 50s Day Friday, Feb. 21 StuCo is sponsoring a 50s Dress-up Day. Come to school dressed like your favorite character from Grease

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