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Development Strategy 2012 2 nd Consultation. Our Mission To proclaim Gods kingdom and call people to worship God in Streatham To seek to serve our community.

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Presentation on theme: "Development Strategy 2012 2 nd Consultation. Our Mission To proclaim Gods kingdom and call people to worship God in Streatham To seek to serve our community."— Presentation transcript:

1 Development Strategy 2012 2 nd Consultation

2 Our Mission To proclaim Gods kingdom and call people to worship God in Streatham To seek to serve our community and love our neighbours here in Streatham

3 Concepts for Growth focus for the Arts keep the integrity of the existing building a beautiful place for peace/worship to be a centre point for the community of Streatham

4 Our Goal We as the members of St Leonards aim to provide a focal point for 21 st century Streatham which furthers Gods work in the community through the arts, worship and outreach.

5 What we Need Improved Toilets Better Kitchen More space for Meetings Improved Office Space Improved Creche Space Vestries Storage

6 Proposed Solutions convert present Narthex Vestry, toilet and kitchen into toilet area with 6 cubicles (including disabled access/baby changing) Downstairs (West End)

7 Proposed Solutions increase size of Narthex and Chapel of Unity by moving the wall 2m east. make entry space more welcoming by glazing the walls and doors provide an improved kitchen area Downstairs (West End)

8 Proposed Solutions Use current clergy office as new crèche area Provide a childrens toilet in this area Change layout of South Stairs so they run straight down towards the Lady Chapel Downstairs (East End)

9 Proposed Solutions

10 Convert current Choir Vestry into Church Office and Clergy Vestry Upstairs (South side)

11 Proposed Solutions Combine current clergy vestry, toilet and servers vestry into a multi purpose room (with a moveable divider) for: Meetings Dressing Rooms Choir Rehearsal/Vestry Servers work area/vestry Sunday School area Upstairs (North Side)

12 Proposed Solutions

13 Storage The Gallery Area has major possibilities which still need to be explored Possible options: Raise gallery floor to one uniform level (current middle level) Extend current safety rail This allows space for displays, exhibitions and storage cupboards etc

14 The Gallery

15 Next Steps 1.Collate ideas from the consultation process 2.Provide a brief for the Architect 3.Discuss Architects brief 4.Start Fundraising

16 Remembering Our Goal We as the members of St Leonards aim to provide a focal point for 21 st century Streatham which furthers Gods work in the community through the arts, worship and outreach.

17 Please let us know your thoughts on these plans by filling in the brief questionnaire on our website. Thank you.


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