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DSC Delivery Sub-Group
Agenda (1) Item Title Document Ref Lead 1. Welcome and Introductions
Verbal Chair 2. Meeting’s Minutes For Approval 3. AQ Defects For Information DSC Delivery Sub Group 3rd September 2018 Michele Downes 4. Release 2 update Christina Francis 5. Release 3 update Padmini Duvvuri 6. June 2019 Release Scope Support for ChMC Approval Catrin Morgan/Emma Smith 7. New Change Proposals 7a. XRN4738 – Shipper portfolio update of proposed formula year AQ/SOQ Simon Harris 8. Change Proposal Initial View Representations 8a. XRN4686 – Smart Metering Report For Discussion Rachel Hinsley 9. Solution Options (IA) 9a. XRN4670 – Reject a replacement read, where the read provided is identical to that already held in UK Link for the same read date 9b. XRN4690 – Actual read following estimated transfer read calculating AQ of 1
Agenda (2) Item Title Document Ref Lead 10. Miscellaneous
DSC Delivery Sub Group 3rd September 2018 Various 10a. Defect 838 – RGMA on Transfer Date For Information David Addison/Simon Harris 10b. 4650 – M-Number DVD Automation (Action Reference 0830) Ellie Rogers/Simon Harris 10c. Planned Extraordinary DSG meeting for CSS Consequential Change for either 11th or 16th October 2018 For Approval Emma Lyndon 10d. [OPERATIONAL_STATUS] Transfer Scenario Discussion (Action Reference: For Discussion Simon Harris 11. Action Updates For Review/Approval 12. Defect Dashboard Mark Tullett 13. AOB Verbal
3. AQ Defects
AQ Defects Verbal update to be provided by Michele Downes
For more information, please refer to the Issue Register on; click here to access it
4. Release 2 Update
XRN4361 – UK Link Release 2 - Delivery Overall Project RAG Status
24th August 2018 Overall Project RAG Status G Plan/Time Risks and Issues Cost Resources RAG Status Status Explanation Objective Full project delivery of UK Link Future Release 2 Scope Post Implementation Support 8 changes have completed first usage while 8 changes are in the process of completing first usage due to extra confidence runs due to defect fixes XRN4299 – ‘No Reads’ report was delivered successfully on 22nd August and the historic data load for this change will commence on 27th August 2018 which is earlier to the planned date of September XRN4449 – There was an issue reported on the one off Shipper report fix is scheduled to be deployed on 30th August. The respective Shippers have been kept updated on the details about the fix Close down activities have commenced and is progressing as per plan Risks & Issues There is a risk that PIS exit is not achieved by the re-planned milestone date Project delivery costs are tracking to approved budgets Weekly monitoring of SME resources supporting multiple demands (e.g. BAU defects, Future Releases, etc) and all requirements are able to be met
UK Link Release 2 - Plan Primary Scope Stage Baseline Plan
Scoping Initiation Delivery Realisation Stage Scope Prioritisation Scope Defined Funding Analysis and HLD Detailed Design Build Acceptance Test Performance Regression Imp. PIS Baseline Plan 07/06/17 25/07/17 09/08/17 Aug 17 20/11/17 29/01/18 18/05/18 22/06/18 29/06/18 30/07/18 Current Plan 11/10/17 10/01/18 13/12/17 16/01/18 (12/01/18) 16/02/18 23/05/18 02/11/18* * PIS extended due to delivery of change variation on XRN4299 RAG Key – Milestones are end dates: Planning/Milestone date to be confirmed Milestone date forecast to be met Milestone date forecast to be at risk Milestone date forecast to be missed Milestone completed
5. Release 3 Update
Overall Project RAG Status
XRN4572 – UK Link Release 3 31st Aug 2018 Overall Project RAG Status G Plan/Time Risks and Issues Cost Resources RAG Status A Status Explanation Objective Full project delivery of UK Link Future Release 3 Scope Extraordinary Change Management Committee on 23rd of July approved the split delivery of Release 3 scope into 13 CRs on 2nd of November and XRN 4454 to be delivered on 1st February 2019 The progress against each track is as below:- Track 1 (13 Changes) – Build and System Testing complete, Acceptance testing in progress (10 complete) and on track to complete on 7th September. MT preparation ongoing. Slight delay in plan due to Environment and data build activities. No MT delivery impact envisaged Track 2 (XRN 4454) – The revised Build Plan tracking to plan and complete. System Testing is now underway. The Market Trials approach presented to DSG members Registration period for MT closed and 12 participants have registered for Track 1 MT. Weekly pre-meetings have been arranged from 17th August onwards to talk through specific MT topics in more detail. Data provision for participants being shared with registered parties to participate and use in MT Execution. Business Change activities are in progress and a schedule for external training was presented to DSG on 6th August. The 2 training sessions completed for key CRs have been undertaken with a good attendance. Follow-on sessions are planned in October before Go-Live. Preparation for the customer day on 5th September is in progress XRN 4658 (BER approved by ChMC on 23rd July) now included in R3 plan with build complete and testing in progress. Due to the late inclusion of change, a close monitoring of progress to enter MT is underway. Risk to MT preparation timescales due to Environment technical and data issues – this is being managed Go Live date dependent on close management of parallelism in plan, which has increased due to Build completion delays (being managed and is currently tracking Green) and other elements i.e. Agreement of MT approach/ Implementation plan agreement. XRN 4658 may not meet all MT requirements on Day 1 (risk is being managed) Full Delivery costs approved at ChMC in April Revision expected to accommodate XRN 4454 delivery date (ongoing discussions) Greater resource needed for XRN4454 (both technical & SME) for fulfilling the need for extended build. Daily tracking of Build plan in place to ensure progressing to revised timelines and additional resource support to deliver XRN 4454 SME resource requirements for Build, ST and AT phases is being managed weekly with internal Xoserve teams.
UK Link Release 3 - Plan Primary Scope Scoping Initiation Delivery
Realisation Stage Scope Prioritisation Scope Defined Funding Analysis and HLD Detailed Design Build & System Test Acceptance Test Performance Market Trials Regression Imp. PIS Track 1 Baseline Plan 10/01/18 07/02/18 11/04/18 13/04/18 04/06/18 13/08/18 07/09/18 1910/18 08/10/18* 22/10/18 02/11/18 04/01/18 Track 1 Current Plan 10/01/8 13/12/17 04/06/18* 19/10/18 Track 2 Baseline Plan 30/06/18* 24/09/18 05/11/18 N/A 14/12/18* 18/01/18 01/02/19 08/03/19 Track 2 Current Plan 05/10/18* Planning/Milestone date to be confirmed Milestone date forecast to be met Milestone date forecast to be at risk Milestone date forecast to be missed Milestone completed RAG Key – Milestones are end dates; *Closedown expected to finish this week
6. June 2019 Release Scope
June 19 Headlines Initial June 19 scope was presented at ChMC on August 8th ’18. Current Status of Changes Proposed for a June ‘19 Release: Xoserve are continuing to complete the capture phase in full for all 12 changes allocated to June 19. At present, there are: 8 changes are undergoing High-Level Solution Options Impact Assessments (HLSOIAs), to support release scoping by providing a high-level overview of the change, and the possible impacts of the proposed solution options. 2 changes have completed HLSOIA, and are now being reviewed internally prior to being distributed for industry review. 2 changes are pre-HLSOIA and are undergoing capture workshops or the scoping of possible solution options.
Current Capture Status Xos Proposed Prioritisation Score
Change Index Proposed Release XRN Change Title Current Capture Status Xos Proposed Prioritisation Score Perceived Complexity June 19 4642 Address Maintenance Solution Progressing through initial capture workshops 44% Medium 4670 Reject a replacement read, where the read provided is identical to that already held in UK Link for the same read date HLSOIA in progress 21% Low 4687 PSR updates for large domestic sites 37% 4690 Actual read following estimated transfer read calculating AQ of 1 40% 4691 CSEPs: IGT and GT File Formats (CGI Files) 32% 4692 CSEPs: IGT and GT File Formats (CIN Files) 4693 CSEPs: IGT and GT File Formats Files Affected: CIC, CIR, CAI, CAO, DCI, DCO, CIN, CCN, CUN. High 4694 CSEPs: IGT and GT File Formats (Create new data validations ) 4676 Reconciliation issues with reads recorded between D-1 to D-5. 65% 4679 Requiring a Meter Reading following a change of Local Distribution Zone or Exit Zone HLSOIA Completed 4044 Extension of ‘Must Read’ process to include Annual Read sites 35% 4645 The rejection of incrementing reads submitted for an Isolated Supply Meter Point (RGMA flows) Scoping possible solution options
7. New Changes Proposals
New Change Proposals The objective of this slide is to inform DSG attendees of one new Change Proposal and it’s prioritisation score 7a. XRN4738 – Shipper Portfolio Update of Proposed Formula Year AQ/SOQ
8. Change Proposal Initial Review Representations
8.a. XRN4686 – Smart Metering Report
XRN4686 – Smart Metering Report
In the previous DSG, we presented the respective Change Proposal and asked DSG to confirm any additional requirements The purpose of this section is for DSG to provide any additional requirements for this change The associated action reference is 0831 and was identified during the 20th August meeting The Change Proposal is attached to this slide for your reference
9. Solution Options (IA)
This agenda item has been deferred to the next DSG
9a – Reject a replacement read, where the read provided is identical to that already held in UK Link for the same read date This agenda item has been deferred to the next DSG
9b. 4690 – Actual Read Following Estimated Transfer Read Calculating AQ of 1
The Impact Assessment for this change is not complete; therefore, there is no content to present.
10. Miscellaneous
10a. Defect 838 – RGMA on Transfer Date
This agenda item has been deferred to the next DSG
10b. 4650 – M-Number DVD Automation (Action Reference: 0830)
Background Current May 2018 Sept 2018
M-Number files are currently sent via DVD or USB to customers each quarter. These contain MPRN, MSN and address details. Files = circa 4GB in total Energy Industry, via the Market Intelligence Service project, have requested that this changes to a more frequent and secure service A new download service has been proposed that will run monthly and will align with the Electricity Market Current May 2018 Sept 2018
Chosen Option - Huddle Benefits
Aligns and harmonises the service with electricity (Industry request) Known and proven secure service Cost effective and fast delivery Process Xoserve Procure Huddle (Cloud-based secure file sharing) Wipro follow current process and drop files into a Xoserve shared area Frequency will increase from quarterly to monthly Xoserve data services team to upload files to Huddle Xoserve to notify customer via Huddle that files are ready Customers can access Huddle to download files Each customer will have usernames and passwords A unique pin will be sent to a users mobile on each logon
Verbal update to be provided by Emma Lyndon
10c. Planned Extraordinary DSG Meeting for CSS Consequential Change for either 11th or 16th October Verbal update to be provided by Emma Lyndon
10d. [OPERATIONAL_STATUS] Transfer Scenario Discussion
Action ( DSG)
Overview [Operational_Status] is an Optional field located in the S75 record (RT_S75_METER_POINT_DETAILS) that is sent out in a number of outbound SPA file flows… .NMR (Enquiry/Nomination Response File) to Proposing Shipper .NFR (Nomination Referral Response File) to Proposing Shipper .CFR (Confirmation Response File) to Incoming Shipper .TRF (Transfer Notification File) to Incoming Shipper Ticket was raised in May-18 stating that the [Operational_Status] field within the .TRF file was being left as NULL where a date is expected to be present Defect 1030 was subsequently raised and deployed into production to fix the issue to ensure the value is populated accordingly going forward Data that currently feeds the [Operational_Status] field (where present) indicates the status of the Meter (Live, Isolated or Pending Isolation) However, some confusion as to what data is contained within the field [Operational_Status] based on the file format description and how it is being used by the Shipper community has been raised Action 0833 logged at the previous DSG ( )
METER_LOCATION_CODE METER_SERIAL_NUMBER SUPPLY_METER_POINT_AQ DRE_SERIAL_NUMBER DRE_UNIQUE _NUMBER METER_LINK_CODE CORRECTION_FACTOR OPERATIONAL_STATUS METER_MECHANISM NUMBER_OF_DIALS_OR_DIGITS PREVIOUS_SUPPLIER_SHORT_CODE (.TRF file only) FORMULA YEAR SMP AQ AMR_INDICATOR DEFINITION: Indicates the current operational status of the Meter Point, be it Live, Isolated or Pending Isolation. CONTEXT: Status can be derived by evaluating the value of the field. Live -Not Populated, Isolated -Populated with date in future. DEFINITION: Indicates the current operational status of the Meter Point, be it Live, Isolated or Pending Isolation. CONTEXT: Status can be derived by evaluating the value of the field. Live -Not Populated, Isolated -Populated with date in future. DEFINITION: Indicates the current operational status of the Meter Point, be it Live, Isolated or Pending Isolation. CONTEXT: Status can be derived by evaluating the value of the field. Live -Not Populated, Isolated -Populated with date in future. No amendments the population of the [Operational Status] field within the S75 record was introduced during Nexus
Transfer Event Details
Incoming Shipper Inbound I Outgoing Shipper O Outbound Transfer Effective Date (D-2) TRF O Transfer Notification (S15) - Transfer of Ownership NOM I Nomination Request (S47 / S48) CNF I Confirmation Request (S38 / S42) NMR O Nomination Response (S59) CFR O Confirmation Response (S07) - Accepted TRF O Ceased Responsibility Notification (S88) CFR O SMP Withdrawal Notice (S10) MRI O Meter Read & Access Instructions (U06 / N90) [Supply Meter Point Status] is not directly provided in any File/Record as part of a Transfer Event DE/EX is represented by the .NOM/.CNF files being rejected. LI/CA/CL are treated as live (in case of SPA) but no distinction is provided in any response files [Supply Meter Point Status] can be viewed in DES (Community & Portfolio view) & the .NMS File was introduced at Nexus to inform of changes to this data item [Meter_Status] is provided in the MRI file in the U06 / N90 Record(s) VALUES: LI - Live, FA - Faulty, IN - Inactive, CU - Cut off Meter, CL - Clamped, CA - Capped, SP - Spin Cap, RE - Removed, OT - Other, UN – Unknown, NI - Not Installed
For Discussion DSG members are requested to check how [Operational_Status] field within the S75 record is being interpreted and used within their individual organisations, in light of the above Is the purpose of the [Operational_Status] field being satisfied by how it is currently being populated? Is the [Operational_Status] field description misleading to it’s current purpose? Is there any appetite to look at adding the [Supply Meter Point Status] into the S75 Record to add clarity, showing if the SMP is Live, Capped, Clamped, Dead or Extinct?
11. Actions
Actions All outstanding DSG actions are listed on the following spreadsheet: Further updates will be made during the meeting; these updates will be reflected in the post-meeting minutes
12. Defect Dashboard
Newly Discovered Defects
Defect Summary Stats Stats as per HPQC extract taken on Thursday 30th August 2018 Defect Landscape (Open/Closed vrs PGL/New) PGL Defects Newly Discovered Defects GRAND RELEASE TOTALS D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 TOTAL Not Set Urgent Fix (D1/D2) Amendment Invoice Task Force 2 23 6 1 33 R th September 3 8 11 Requires CR 5 7 Release Planning Currently Unallocated 25 30 57 59 TOTAL OPEN 62 47 115 117 Closed as Rejected 15 24 26 20 83 Closed as CR 10 4 17 Closed - Deployed to Production 28 58 9 102 209 359 146 12 742 844 TOTAL CLOSED 34 80 136 220 389 169 808 944 GRAND TOTAL 31 74 16 138 222 447 213 13 923 1061
R2.04 The below defects were deployed as part of R2.04 on Friday 24th August. Defect ID Status Description Release 959 Closed - Deployed to Production CRS files failed in Market flow due to missing mandatory field “ Connected System Operator Telephone Number “ in U74 segment. even if Telephone number is present in the system. R2.04 1018 SAP: Shared Supply SNR CYM value issue 1023 SAP-SSMP SNO- MPRN rejected for CLS00002 incorrectly 1068 SAP: RU07 Exception - ONUPD request received for Meter Non billing critical update along with IHD update by providing same serial number for both meter 1070 SAP ISU AQ- T51 segment sent in NRL file for OS,OB,OA,OC Switch Status The below defects were deployed as Urgent. Defect ID Status Description Deployment Date 1064 Closed - Deployed to Production K89 record, the optional fields not populated 11/08/2018 1113 SAP: Post Smear Audit Report Issue 16/08/2018 1132 SAP BW - Ticket to be raised BW team - AQ tracker report 21/08/2018
Amendment Invoice Impacting Defects
Defect ID Status 775 Deployed with R1.13 771 Deployed with R1.20 881 933 Deployed with R1.21 910 849 936 747 Deployed 10/05/2018 908 919 Deployed with R1.22 755 Deployed 26/06/2018 861 Deployed with R1.23 848 884 937 Deployed 08/08/2018 1013 Deployed with R2.01 1014 985 Deployed with R2.02 1064 Deployed 11/08/2018 1113 Deployed 16/08/2018 Defect ID Status 720 Assigned 1052 DRS Needed 743 Awaiting CAB 1054 New 761 1065 838 1075 859 1085 DRS completed 863 Retest Failed 1086 886 1108 Ready For Assurance 906 1109 920 1114 947 1116 958 1117 982 1122 1000 DRS in progress 1123 1015 1124 1016 1125 1045 1136 1048 1137 1049 1138 Key: Amendment Invoice Task Force Defects Standard Defect There are currently 2, D1/D2 defects which are Amendment Invoice impacting: 886 and 863. Once these are assured, we will deploy and inform you.
13. AOB
AOB Item – Incorrect S72 occurrence within the ANT Hierarchy
Incorrect S72 occurrence within the ANT Hierarchy
What’s the problem? The ANT hierarchy incorrectly states that there can be up to 1000 possible occurrences for the S72 record. As specified within the UK Link Manual (UK Link Standards Guide) there can be up to 15 possible occurrences rather than up to 1000 Please note, up to 15 occurrences is the way the system works, it is purely the hierarchy and file format stipulating a different occurrence The ANT hierarchy and the S72 file format documents therefore require a documentation change to update the incorrect possible occurrence information. As this is a documentation change only, we do not intent to increment the version against these documents. What do we suggest to resolve this problem? We intend to include this change within the September Change Pack for the industry to review and provide any comments Following this, the change would be included in the October Change Management Committee (ChMC) meeting for approval We are suggesting this change could be implemented alongside Release 3 in November Views from DSG: Regarding the impact of this change When does DSG think this documentation change can be implemented? What does DSG think of the above approach? Does DSG have any questions or concerns?
Use of up to date Forecast weather data in first NDM Nominations Run
AOB - XRN4717 Use of up to date Forecast weather data in first NDM Nominations Run
Story so far… Change Proposal raised to look at the possibility of using up to date weather forecast data in first NDM nomination XRN4717 discussed at ChMC on 8th August and (due to there only being one solution option) approved to proceed to Solution Review Change Pack was issued out for review on 10th August for a 10 day review Communication Reference: RJ - RH Solution Review Closeout: 24th August Following discussions with reviewers it was agreed that the Solution Review Closeout deadline be extended to the 11th September Communication Reference: RJ - SH Solution Review Closeout: 11th September
| Time | Today | Tomorrow |
Current Process Transmission (NTS) Gemini MIPI AMT Distribution Networks (DNs) .CWF File 08:00 12:00 15:00 23:00 NDM Nom Contract .FWV File Approx (W10) (W11) | Time | Today | Tomorrow | | 07:38 | YES | NO | | 11:38 | YES | YES | | 14:38 | YES | YES | | 22:39 | YES | YES | Xoserve UKL Weather Service Provider (WSPs) .FWV File LDZ Level Temp: 05:00, 07:00, 09:00, 11:00 13:00, 15:00, 17:00, 19:00, 21:00 23:00, 01:00, 03:00 Wind: 07:00, 11:00, 15:00, 19:00 23:00, 03:00 CWV FTP EFT
| Time | Today | Tomorrow |
Proposed Process 6 Transmission (NTS) 8 Gemini MIPI AMT Distribution Networks (DNs) .CWF File 08:00 12:00 15:00 23:00 NDM Nom 7 1 Contract .FWV File Approx (W10) (W11) | Time | Today | Tomorrow | | 07:38 | YES | YES | | 11:38 | YES | YES | | 14:38 | YES | YES | | 22:39 | YES | YES | 4 Xoserve UKL Weather Service Provider (WSPs) .FWV File LDZ Level Temp: 05:00, 07:00, 09:00, 11:00 13:00, 15:00, 17:00, 19:00, 21:00 23:00, 01:00, 03:00 Wind: 07:00, 11:00, 15:00, 19:00 23:00, 03:00 CWV 5 2 FTP EFT 3
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