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Energy Metabolism in the Body

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1 Energy Metabolism in the Body

2 Forms of energy in the body

3 Energy comes from...

4 Research the conservation of energy
Energy Laws Energy doesn’t just appear, it comes from somewhere. If we want to fuel our body we have to feed!! This has nutrients that are converted to energy. The first law of thermodynamics (sometimes known as conservation of energy) states: Energy can be transformed from one form to another, but cannot be created or destroyed.

5 Energy in the body is used to...

6 Energy in the body is used to...
Metabolism is the process of releasing energy in the body’s cells with a set of chemical reactions. There are two types of metabolic process: Anabolism Supports the growth of new cells by building complex substances (carbohydrates, protein and fat) from simple substances and using energy Catabolism Breaks down matter to harvest energy. Cells break down the complex matter (fats and carbohydrates) to release energy. This heats the body and enables the muscles to contract.

7 Activities involved in supplying energy to the cells of the body
Cardiovascular System Transports simple materials to the liver and other bodily cells through the bloodstream. This is driven by the heart pumping.

8 Activities involved in supplying energy to the cells of the body
Respiratory System This system refreshes the lungs with oxygen and disposes of waste (carbon dioxide) through breathing. Oxygen passes through the alveoli and into the blood to be transported around the body. The cells then use this oxygen and other materials to breakdown glucose and release energy.

9 Activities involved in supplying energy to the cells of the body
Digestive System This bodily system breaks down complex food and water molecules, using enzymes, into simple molecules than can pass through capillaries of the cardiovascular system.

10 M1 Task  Task 7: You will write a short staff briefing that discusses the role of energy in the body. You should include: Different forms of energy, e.g. chemical, heat, sound, electrical, light. Energy laws, e.g. conservation of energy and transformation of energy. Energy metabolism, e.g. role of energy in the body; anabolism and catabolism; activities involved in supplying energy to the cells of the body– roles of cardiovascular, respiratory and digestive systems how different body systems link to energy production. For the cardiovascular system this should include the role of blood and, in particular, the transport of materials within the plasma and haemoglobin. The focus for the respiratory system should be on the role of gaseous exchange with the opportunity to differentiate between internal and external respiration. For the digestive system learners need to understand the structure and function of the system including an overview of digestion, the role of enzymes, absorption and assimilation. The main focus for M1 is on energy metabolism, i.e. how energy is used by the different systems.

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