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Skeletal System: Anatomy Chapter 6

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1 Skeletal System: Anatomy Chapter 6
Movement Unit Skeletal System: Anatomy Chapter 6

2 Components Includes all of the bones (206 in adults).
Includes the cartilage and ligaments that occur at the joints (Articulations System).

3 Functions Support of the entire body’s weight.
Protection of the viscera. Production of blood cells (Hemopoesis) Storage of minerals and fat Allows for flexible body movement

4 Types of Bones Long: longer than wide (femur)
Short: cube shaped L=W (talus) Flat: platelike and have broad surfaces (parietal) Irregular: varied shapes with many places for connections (vertebra) Round: circular (patella)

5 Long bone Anatomy Periosteum – continuous with ligaments and tendons. Area where blood vessels enter the bone. Fibrous connective tissue. Epiphysis – expanded portions at each end. Contains cancellous bone wraped in a thin layer of compact bone covered by hyaline cartilage (articular cartilage). Diaphysis – “shaft” of the bone – not solid contains the medullary cavity with yellow marrow. Compact bone wraps this cavity.

6 Review of Histology: Compact Bone: Osteons, osteocytes, Lacunae, Lamellae, hydroxyapatite, central or Haversian canal, canaliculi. Spongy Bone or Cancellous bone: trabeculae, red bone marrow.

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