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UK Core – GEO 130 Instructions

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1 UK Core – GEO 130 Instructions

2 Guidelines for project submission
Due by Friday, Dec 16th, 5:00 pm via Canvas Groups of two only Students working in groups of two should each submit the same Powerpoint file. A total of no more than 10 slides will comprise each group’s submission.

3 Guidelines for project submission
You will be graded on the rubric provided as well as your adherence to formatting: No backgrounds, use Calibri text, no colored font, no animations – do not alter the style of the template Strike a balance between visuals (graphs, maps) and text. Use the notes section of your slide for detailed explanatory text. Provide an outline of this text in your slide Use the crop tool when resizing images Avoid low resolution imagery

4 Research objectives (1 slide)
Identify and describe the evidence for significant weather events over the fall analysis period.

5 Data collection (1 slide)
Description of where you obtained your data, what is the data you collected, and how you processed it. Put additional explanatory text here

6 Study area (1 slide) Where is the weather monitoring station located? Provide a map to convey its location.

7 Analysis (1 slide) What specific procedures did you use to answer this question? What did you make or calculate?

8 Results (4 slides) Present climograph(s) and maps here

9 Discussion (1 slide) Evaluate your data and procedures. What are the strengths and/or weakness of the data and procedures you used to examine weather patterns?

10 Conclusions (2 slides) Summarize the events you identified

11 UK grading rubric

12 UK grading rubric

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