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This sprint should be used for focusing on:

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1 This sprint should be used for focusing on:
MS2 Requirements This sprint should be used for focusing on: Requirements gathering and documenting Development of models that drive the implementation of a prototype Developing the first project prototype

2 MS2 Requirements Template
All functional requirements should be defined using a single sentence formatted as a table: A. Functional Requirements A.1: The Biocloud project landing webpage will include a login system. A.2: The Biocloud project will include user profiles. A.3: The Biocloud project will use resources in a standard compute cluster architecture A.4: The Biocloud project will develop microservices based on pre-built or newly developed bioinformatics tools A.5: The Biocloud project will use network addressable persistent storage A.6: The Biocloud project will include a web-based admin interface with resource management A.7: … A.8: … Description of functional requirements follows the table. Describe each requirement and how you will achieve it in a separate paragraph with as much detail as you currently have.

3 MS2 Requirements Template
All functional requirements should be defined using a single sentence formatted as a table: A. Functional Requirements A.1: The Biocloud project landing webpage will include a login system. A.2: The Biocloud project will include user profiles. A.3: The Biocloud project will use resources in a standard compute cluster architecture A.4: The Biocloud project will develop microservices based on pre-built or newly developed bioinformatics tools A.5: The Biocloud project will use network addressable persistent storage A.6: The Biocloud project will include a web-based admin interface with resource management A.7: … A.8: … Description of functional requirements follows the table. Describe each requirement and how you will achieve it in a separate paragraph with as much detail as you currently have.

4 MS2 Requirements Template
All non-Functional requirements should be defined using a single sentence formatted as a table: B. Non-Functional Requirements B.1: The Biocloud project will include a user-friendly web interface. B.2: The Biocloud project will have performance characteristics of X. B.3: The Biocloud project will use security protocols while authenticating and interfacing users with resources and data. B.4: The Biocloud project will incorporate fault tolerance at the X level by implementing Y. Description of non-functional requirements follows the table. Describe each requirement and how you will achieve it in a separate paragraph with as muchdetail as you currently have.

5 MS2 Requirements Template
All non-Functional requirements should be defined using a single sentence formatted as a table: B. Non-Functional Requirements B.1: The Biocloud project will include a user-friendly web interface. B.2: The Biocloud project will have performance characteristics of X. B.3: The Biocloud project will use security protocols while authenticating and interfacing users with resources and data. B.4: The Biocloud project will incorporate fault tolerance at the X level by implementing Y. Description of non-functional requirements follows the table. Describe each requirement and how you will achieve it in a separate paragraph with as muchdetail as you currently have.

6 MS2 Modeling Models (UML diagrams with supporting documentation) for this sprint should focus on what will be developed for the first prototype During the prototype demonstration, you should be able to supply models for all implemented features. Use UML diagrams that best fit the components that you’ve built. These diagrams must map back to specific requirements Bold reqs that are the focus for this sprint.

7 MS2 Modeling Models (UML diagrams with supporting documentation) for this sprint should focus on what will be developed for the first prototype During the prototype demonstration, you should be able to supply models for all implemented features. Use UML diagrams that best fit the components that you’ve built. These diagrams must map back to specific requirements Bold reqs that are the focus for this sprint.

8 Project Prototype Demo 1 Grading Rubric
Component Pass/Fail Notes Compiled document of the components given in this prototype demonstration grading rubric (can be added to your project documentation) List of requirements used to guide development of this prototype Ability to explain requirements in sufficient detail that allows for generation of models/diagrams List of models/diagrams used to guide development of this prototype Ability to explain models/diagrams and show how they map back to requirements List of software/hardware components included in the prototype Demonstration of independent software/hardware modules and/or integrated software modules List and explain test procedures of independent software/hardware modules and/or integrated software modules List and explain data generated and/or used by the prototype List areas of focus for next prototype demonstration

9 Project Prototype Demo 1
Next week, March 5-9. Plan for a 30 minute meeting/demo me with a time your group can meet. Bring your prototype documentation to the meeting.

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