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Bible Characters You Should Know
Salome Picture of a Proud Mom Mat 20: Then the mother of the sons of Zebedee came up to him with her sons, and kneeling before him she asked him for something. (21) And he said to her, "What do you want?" She said to him, "Say that these two sons of mine are to sit, one at your right hand and one at your left, in your kingdom." (22) Jesus answered, "You do not know what you are asking. Are you able to drink the cup that I am to drink?" They said to him, "We are able." (23) He said to them, "You will drink my cup, but to sit at my right hand and at my left is not mine to grant, but it is for those for whom it has been prepared by my Father." (24) And when the ten heard it, they were indignant at the two brothers. (25) But Jesus called them to him and said, "You know that the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their great ones exercise authority over them. (26) It shall not be so among you. But whoever would be great among you must be your servant, (27) and whoever would be first among you must be your slave, (28) even as the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many." Bible Characters You Should Know Matthew20:20-28
Obvious from the Beginning (Mark 15:40-41)
Her Devotion Obvious from the Beginning (Mark 15:40-41) Her Sons Inherit That Devotion (Matthew4:21-22) She Is At the Crucifixion (Luke 23:28) She Is At the Tomb (Luke 24:10) Obvious from the Beginning Mar 15: There were also women looking on from a distance, among whom were Mary Magdalene, and Mary the mother of James the younger and of Joses, and Salome. (41) When he was in Galilee, they followed him and ministered to him, and there were also many other women who came up with him to Jerusalem. Her Sons Inherit That Devotion (Mat 4: And going on from there he saw two other brothers, James the son of Zebedee and John his brother, in the boat with Zebedee their father, mending their nets, and he called them. (22) Immediately they left the boat and their father and followed him. She Is At the Crucifixion (Luke 23:28) She Is At the Tomb (Luke 24:10) to anoint the body of Jesus
It’s Based on their Position in Inner Circle - Mar 9:2
Her Demand It’s Ambitious - Mat 20:21 It’s Based on their Position in Inner Circle - Mar 9:2 It’s Based on: Pride In Sons Jealousy Family Ties It’s Ambitious - Mat 20:21 And he said to her, "What do you want?" She said to him, "Say that these two sons of mine are to sit, one at your right hand and one at your left, in your kingdom." It’s Based on their Position in Inner Circle - Mar 9:2 And after six days Jesus took with him Peter and James and John, and led them up a high mountain by themselves. And he was transfigured before them, It’s Based on: Pride In Sons – Natural Feeling a mother has Jealousy – She wants to elevate her son’s over the others and ensure their future. She is there daily and sees the love the saviour pour out on the others (such as Peter) Family Ties – Theologians have long felt Salome is the sister of Mary, the mother of Jesus. They base this on texts such as John 19:25 listing the sister as being at the cross and knowing that Salome was always right there including at the anointing.
Lacking Understanding Are You Able?
Her Rebuke – Verses 22-24 Lacking Understanding Are You Able? Note Answer is Not Can, but Will Not Mine To Give Right Hand – Jesus’ (Heb 12:12) Left Hand – Yours (Rev 3:21) Mat 20:22 Jesus answered, "You do not know what you are asking. Are you able to drink the cup that I am to drink?" They said to him, "We are able." Mat 20:23 He said to them, "You will drink my cup, but to sit at my right hand and at my left is not mine to grant, but it is for those for whom it has been prepared by my Father." Lacking Understanding - You Don’t Know What You are Asking Jas 1:5 If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him. Are You Able? Note Answer is Not Can, but Will Not Mine To Give Right Hand – Jesus’ (Heb 12:12) Left Hand – Yours (Rev 3:21)
The Lesson Taught – Verses 25-28
Jealousy Creates Strife (vs 24) World Rules (Vs 25) We Are Here to Serve (Vs 26) That’s Why Jesus Came (Vs 28) Our Life Is Forfeit (Vs 27) Mat 20: But Jesus called them to him and said, "You know that the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their great ones exercise authority over them. (26) It shall not be so among you. But whoever would be great among you must be your servant, (27) and whoever would be first among you must be your slave, (28) even as the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many." Jealousy Creates Strife - Mat 20:24 And when the ten heard it, they were indignant at the two brothers. Gen 4:8 Cain spoke to Abel his brother. And when they were in the field, Cain rose up against his brother Abel and killed him. World Rules (Vs 25) Gentiles want to lord it over you; we don’t follow those Rules We Are Here to Serve (Vs 26) It shall not be so among you. That’s Why Jesus Came - Vs 28 even as the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.“ Our Life Is Forfeit – Vs 27 whoever would be first among you must be your slave
Bible Characters You Should Know
Salome Picture of a Proud Mom Bible Characters You Should Know Matthew20:20-28
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