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Today we will analyze and read a time line

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Presentation on theme: "Today we will analyze and read a time line"— Presentation transcript:

1 Today we will analyze and read a time line
Today we will analyze and read a time line. This topic can be very confusing! It’s ok, I will give you some tips and help you out along the way.

2 What do we need to be aware of?
Days Months YEARS

3 What is a Timeline? It is a diagram that organizes dates.
It helps us record events in a chronological order. It shows the sequence of events. It helps us understand when events occurred in history.

4 Look at the timeline below:
What information can you learn from the timeline below?

5 Wonderings What do you think the B.C. after the date means?
Example, The Neolithic and Bronze Age occurred between 6000 – 800 B.C. What do you think the A.D. after the number means? Example, The Iron Age occurred between 800BC – 43 AD

6 The term BC is short for “Before Christ” (before the birth of Christ) Historical dates get smaller as they approach the year Christ was born The term AD is short for the Latin phrase Anno Domini. This means in the years after Christ. Historical dates get larger in AD as each year passes. The BC/AD system for identifying historical dates has been in continuous use ever since the earliest part of the Middle Ages.

7 Here are some other abbreviations to recognize…
B.C.E.- Before the Common Era C.E.- Common Era These terms are used by people who prefer not to use religious terms when referring to years in history or present times.

8 Time to Turn & Talk! What is a time line?
What are the abbreviations used to refer to events that happened before Jesus Christ was born? What are the abbreviations used to refer to events after Jesus Christ died?

9 Let’s do this- Gangnam Style! Time lines…
Here is a video for your viewing pleasure about time lines. v=SVob2hFHYYM

10 Time to practice what we learned today…

11 Let’s wrap it up… What are time lines? Why are time lines useful?
How do time lines help us understand more about history?

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