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Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare Review

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1 Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare Review
Jeopardy Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare Review

2 Signs, Signs, Everywhere the Signs!
Caesar Must Die! Signs, Signs, Everywhere the Signs! Quotable Quotes Gotta Love the Tragedy! My Bad, Dog! $100 $200 $300 $400 $500

3 I am the first to stab Caesar
Caesar Must Die for $100 I am the first to stab Caesar Answer #1 Slide 2

4 I am a manipulative plotter and jealous of Caesar’s power.
Caesar Must Die for $200 I am a manipulative plotter and jealous of Caesar’s power. Answer #2 Slide 2

5 I am the last to stab Caesar.
Caesar Must Die for $300 I am the last to stab Caesar. Answer #3 Slide 2

6 Caesar Must Die for $400 I will trick Caesar into going to the Capitol, that way we can kill him in public Answer #4 Slide 2

7 Caesar Must Die for $500 I will ask Caesar about the banishment of my brother, Publius, to distract him. Slide Answer #5

8 Signs for $100 The first omen in the play stated by the Soothsayer; Caesar ignores this when he ventures to the capital on this very day. Slide Answer #6

9 Signs for $200 Calpurnia tries her best to convince Caesar to stay home because her dream showed this. Slide Answer #7

10 When Brutus sees Caesar’s ghost in Act IV, the ghost tells him this.
Signs for $300 When Brutus sees Caesar’s ghost in Act IV, the ghost tells him this. Slide Answer #8

11 Signs for $400 The first person to report the lion at the Capitol, the owl at noon, the storms, and the fiery slaves; also a member of the conspiracy Slide Answer #9

12 Signs for $500 This person tries his best to warn Caesar of the coming danger. He writes a letter to Caesar, but Caesar ignores him as well. Slide Answer #10

13 Quotable Quotes for $100 Let me have men about me that are fat; Sleek-headed men and such as sleep o' nights; Yond' Cassius has a lean and hungry look; He thinks too much: such men are dangerous. Slide Answer #11

14 Quotable Quotes for $200 “Let’s kill him boldly, but not wrathfully; Let’s carve him as a dish fit for the gods, not hew him as a carcass fit for hounds…” Slide Answer #12

15 Quotable Quotes for $300 The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars,
But in ourselves, that we are underlings Slide Answer #13

16 Quotable Quotes for $400 “This was the noblest Roman of them all; All the conspirators save only he Did that they did in envy of great Caesar; He, only, in a general honest thought And common good to all, made one of them. His life was gentle, and the elements So mixed in him that Nature might stand up And say to all the world, 'This was a man!' Slide Answer #14

17 Quotable Quotes for $500 “This was the most unkindest cut of all; For when the noble Caesar saw him stab, Ingratitude, more strong than traitors' arms, Quite vanquished him: then burst his mighty heart” Slide Answer #15

18 Gotta Love the Tragedy for $100
This character holds Brutus’s dagger so he can run into it. Slide Answer #16

19 Gotta Love the Tragedy for $200
Which of Cassius’ trusted friends does he believe is taken by the enemy? Slide Answer #17

20 Gotta Love the Tragedy for $300
This is how Portia commits suicide. Slide Answer #18

21 Gotta Love the Tragedy for $400
What is ironic about Caesar’s death? Slide Answer #19

22 Gotta Love the Tragedy for $500
These three people make up the second triumvirate. (Pompey, Julius Caesar, and Marcus Crassus made up the first.) Slide Answer #20

23 According to Cassius, this man should have died along with Caesar.
My Bad, Dog! for $100 According to Cassius, this man should have died along with Caesar. Slide Answer #21

24 They were arrested in Act I for disrobing the images of Caesar.
My Bad, Dog! for $200 They were arrested in Act I for disrobing the images of Caesar. Slide Answer #22

25 My Bad, Dog! for $300 According to Brutus, Cassius is “much condemned to have an itching palm,” which means ? Slide Answer #23

26 If his name wasn’t this, he may still be writing poems.
My Bad, Dog! for $400 If his name wasn’t this, he may still be writing poems. Slide Answer #24

27 My Bad, Dog! for $500 If he and his bondsman did not misinterpret the battle, the conspiracy may have won. As it is, he committed suicide for his misreadings. Slide Answer #25

28 Answer #1 Casca Slide 2

29 Answer #2 Cassius Slide 2

30 Answer #3 Brutus Slide 2

31 Answer #4 Decius Slide 2

32 Answer #5 Metellus Slide 2

33 “Beware the Ides of March!”
Answer #6 “Beware the Ides of March!” Slide 2

34 A statue of Caesar with blood flowing from it
Answer #7 A statue of Caesar with blood flowing from it Slide 2

35 “I shall see thee at Phillipi”
Answer #8 “I shall see thee at Phillipi” Slide 2

36 Answer #9 Casca Slide 2

37 Answer #10 Artemidorus Slide 2

38 Answer #11 Caesar Slide 2

39 Answer #12 Brutus Slide 2

40 Answer #13 Cassius Slide 2

41 Answer #14 Antony Slide 2

42 Answer #15 Antony Slide 2

43 Answer #16 Strato Slide 2

44 Answer #17 Titinius Slide 2

45 Swallows fire; hot coals
Answer #18 Swallows fire; hot coals Slide 2

46 Answer #19 He is murdered by his friends; he is murdered after proclaiming his own indestructibility; he dies at the base of Pompey’s statue. Slide 2

47 Antony, Octavius, and Lepidus
Answer #20 Antony, Octavius, and Lepidus Slide 2

48 Answer #21 Antony Slide 2

49 Answer #22 Marullus and Flavius Slide 2

50 Answer #23 Accepts bribes Slide 2

51 Answer #24 Cinna (the poet) Slide 2

52 Answer #25 Cassius Slide 2

53 Answer Key

54 Double Jeopardy Question

55 Final Jeopardy Question
This is the year Julius Caesar was most likely first performed.

56 1599

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