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Truth, Accuracy, and Opinion

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Presentation on theme: "Truth, Accuracy, and Opinion"— Presentation transcript:

1 Truth, Accuracy, and Opinion
What is the truth, and how can we find it?

2 What is a FACT? Discuss and develop a definition

3 What is a fact? Something that has really occurred and can be verified

4 What is an opinion? Try to come up with a definition

5 What is an opinion? A judgment formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge.

6 Now you try…fact or opinion?
1. The back benches are bad for the school environment. 4. Predator is the best movie villain. 2. Some North American native people think that the wolf is brave, loyal and intelligent. 5. David Suzuki has said that Canadians wanting to do something for the environment can start by drinking tap water instead of bottled water. 3. Kiwis are a health food; they have lots of potassium. 6. Samsung might outsell Apple this year in phone sales.

7 But there’s an even trickier one…
Sometimes facts and opinions are clear, but sometimes they are not Sometimes opinions are disguised in articles that seem factual Bias is when something appears factual, but actually influences readers to a particular opinion

8 Examples of Bias Bias by placement
Where a story is placed determines how important readers/viewers think it is Is the first story always the most important? Bias byheadline Headlines can convey excitement, condemnation, etc. Detroit Lions lost last 2 r 3 games Vs Detroit still second in division with 6-3 record

9 Bias by Photos Some pictures flatter a person, and others make the person look unpleasant Photos influence opinion One photo shows Kate looking sad, the other shows her happy. Do you think either photo has anything to do with her pregnancy?

“Approximately one hundred injured in airplane crash” Vs. “Only minor injuries in airplane crash” Numbers can be inflated or deflated to make an event seem more or less spectacular Numbers reflect opinions of the person doing the counting Look for words like “only” “

11 You try… Grab a newspaper
You try… Grab a newspaper. With a partner, find: -one example of a fact -one example of an opinion -one example of bias

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