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Navigating the Barnyard 3: A Dialogue with Dr. Doolittle

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Presentation on theme: "Navigating the Barnyard 3: A Dialogue with Dr. Doolittle"— Presentation transcript:

1 Navigating the Barnyard 3: A Dialogue with Dr. Doolittle
League of Innovation Conference March 30, 2010 Baltimore, Maryland Don Shull Steve Offerman Dan Dickman

2 NTB3 Who are we and how did we get here? Beginnings in the barnyard
talking with the animals We asked a question three years ago: How Do We Facilitate Cognitive Shift Within the Classroom ?

3 NTB3 The shift happens in the classroom with instructor insight:
Getting students to think in a different way

4 NTB3 Facilitating shift through WHAT? The learning cycle
What is the Learning cycle

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8 NTB3 How do you facilitate cognitive shift in your classroom?
What kind of activities, methods do you use as an instructor to promote a change in thinking; to move students through all of the elements of the learning cycle?

9 NTB3 Steve’s Example variable and fixed costs common to any business situation characteristics of sunk costs and opportunity costs and the decision making process Gathering Data: Lecture Reflection Ask for personal examples Discuss details of concepts Creating /Integrating Assign problem to be analyzed Looking for solution Work in teams to continue process (difficulties) Testing Ask for results periodically Ask reflective questions Conclusion: Heart of the Process

10 NTB3 Dan’s Example Concrete Experience / Reflection Reflection:
Anxiety Difference between fear and anxiety and the impact of anxiety that is not appropriate or functional to the situation Concrete Experience / Reflection Video of OCD disorder as introduction General questions: Do you see any of Stephanie’s behaviors in you? Pay attention to your feelings as you are watching this video Reflection: Activity: Fearful episodes: Think about and write down a situation in your past when you felt afraid What do you think caused the fear, was it justified, Was there a time when you felt afraid and there was really no source you attribute the fear to? Concrete Experience: Lecture: Fear vs. anxiety Discuss the difference between fear and anxiety and the physiological reasons for both of them (fear= response to real threat; anxiety=response to perceived threat). What do the physiological responses feel like: Coffee stirrers: Have students put the coffee stirrer in their mouth , hold their nose shut, and breathe through the coffee stirrer only for 30 seconds. Engage in mild exercise while doing this. Process How did you feel? / Were you out of breath ?/ was your heart racing? What was going on physiologically? Discuss how fear and anxiety become dysfunctional and are manifested as a disorder.

11 NTB3 Dan’s Example: cont’d Testing (first time):
Case Identification: Students are given a list of persons with behaviors that represent different types of behavior disorders Phobias/ Panic Disorders / Anxiety Disorders / PTSD / OCD Students need to identify which person has which disorder Abstract Conceptualization Class case study: Groups of five to six students are given a case about a person with an anxiety disorder. The group answers a series of questions to develop a diagnosis and treatment plan. Testing (2nd time) Small groups present their answers to the case that they processed, with a rationale for their conclusion. Class debates the results and comes to a consensus. Instructor summarizes the process that the class has completed Online discussion question about the case is posted for students to reply to.

12 NTB3 Tom’s Example Trigonometry and determination of height / distance through the use of triangles & tangents Gathering Data Information about angles Reflection Provide examples in the real world Creating Come up with methods to gather appropriate /correct information Testing Review results…process (go back if necessary Develop reports on outcomes

13 : 30 F E T 30 feet Fact: Isosceles Triangle
450/450/900) angles = 2 smaller sides are equal in length 45 30 F E T 45 30 feet

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16 NTB3 Don’s Example Male / Female differences and sexual promiscuity (based upon differing theoretical perspectives) Gathering Data Lecture on psych-social perspective vs. biological/evolutionary perspective Reflection Group work: discuss differing perspectives depending upon the group they are in. What information do they use to support their position Creating Each group comes up with information & explanation for gender differences based upon differing perspectives Testing Discuss how this impacts personal behavior and relationships Discussion on how a particular point of view can explain or justify behavior

17 NTB3 Think about a concept you present in your class:
What Pillar of Learning do you think that you use most? Gathering Data _______(Concrete Experience) Reflection _______(Reflective Observation) Creating _______(Abstract Conceptualization) Testing _______(Active Experimentation)

18 NTB3 Take a few minutes and write down some of the lessons, activities, or resources you utilize to students through the learning cycle Move

19 NTB3 Sharing results: Do you tend to focus upon utilization of one or two pillars? Are there concepts / ideas that you could move further around the cycle? How might you do that? Why is this more difficult with some concepts you teach than with others?

20 NTB3 Evaluation: Write down:
Something that you gained from this workshop that you think may be valuable or useful to you in your future teaching A suggestion to improve this workshop.

21 Questions & Comments

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