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Leadership Session Assessment Principle September 2008

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1 Leadership Session Assessment Principle September 2008
Cynthia Cuellar Astrid Fossum Janis Freckmann Melissa Hedges Connie Laughlin Beth Schefelker

2 Stage 2: Collaborate & Implement Stage 3: Advocate & Systematize
Stages of Leadership Stage 1: Know & Model Leadership of Self Stage 2: Collaborate & Implement Leadership of Others Stage 3: Advocate & Systematize Leadership in the Extended Community NCSM (2008). Principles and Indicators for Mathematics Education Leaders (PRIME).

3 Assessment Principle Objectives of Session: 1) Discuss two assessment indicators and understand what each indicator means at stage 1. 2) Assess leadership of self, and plan for school-based actions.

4 Assessment Principle Step 1 On your own: Personal reaction. What does this indicator mean to you? Record your ideas in your notebook. Step 2: Table discussion: Share one idea per person and record general ideas on top of a chart paper. Step 3: Table discussion: Read and discuss all three bulleted items (pg. 49) Add new ideas to chart. Remember this is Leadership of Self.

5 Assessment Principle Step 4: Facilitator summary
Step 5: On your own: Rubric and Strategies Worksheet

6 Rotating Role of the Scribe
Paraphrasing for clarity Capturing ideas on chart paper Refocusing to stay on task

7 Norms of Table Members Honoring Ideas Listening to others
Respecting all viewpoints

8 Assessment Principle Indicator 1 I use student assessments that are congruent and align by grade level or course content.

9 Assessment Principle Indicator 2 I use formative assessment practices to inform teacher practices and student learning.

10 Rubric and Reflective Questions
1) Based on the rubric, what specific actions support your rubric level? 2) What specific strategies could you use to advance your own assessment leadership?

11 Making Connections Make connections between the Learning Team Continuum, and specific actions listed on your worksheet that support the Assessment Principle Stage 1: Leadership of Self.

12 Today’s Journey…. Assessment Principle and PRIME Framework
Stages of Leadership Actions that support the Assessment Principle Connections to Learning Team Continuum

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