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Legislative Overview By Don Bolia Legislative Session 2017.

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1 Legislative Overview By Don Bolia Legislative Session 2017

2 HB 64 Agent Compensation Sponsored by Representative Shaw Blackmon
Requires companies to pay agent commission but does not specify an amount Passed the House and was on tabled in the Senate The bill returns to the House Insurance Committee for consideration in 2018 HB 64

3 HB 146 Insurance for Firefighters
Sponsored by Representative Micah Gravely Mandates local governments purchase coverage for all firefighters with 12 or more months of consecutive coverage Limits types of eligible cancers A similar bill was vetoed in 2016 because it touched the workers compensation code – this one does not do that HB 146 was signed on May 4th HB 146

4 HB 240 / HB 583 “PEO” Bill(s) Sponsored by Representative Rich Golick
Requires licensing of a representative of a PEO who engages in counseling, advising or rendering options as to the benefits promised under a health plan This is one of 5 pieces of legislation dropped regarding PEO regulation. It has been replaced by HB 583, narrowing the approach in stating that nothing in PEO law shall be construed to exempt anyone from insurance licensure law This bill was dropped after crossover day and will be a vehicle for consideration next year The Department of Insurance has indicated they will be addressing this issue through a directive HB 240 / HB 583

5 HOME RULE & TAXATION SB 8 / HB 71 / HR 745 Surprise Billing
SB 8 sponsored by Senator Renee Unterman HB 71 sponsored by Representative Richard Smith SB 8 and HB 71 address the “surprise billing” issue by requiring physicians and insurance companies to take the patient out of the middle Both bills went through a series of changes throughout the process – driven by insurance companies and loudly opposed by physicians HB 71 did not get called for a vote in the full House. SB 8 crossed over but never made it to the floor of the House on Day 40 Chairman Smith held a meeting in late June to continue the conversation – we expect more discussion towards a solution this fall SB 8 / HB 71 / HR 745 HOME RULE & TAXATION

6 SB 50 Direct Primary Care Act Sponsored by Senator Hunter Hill
Allows for direct primary care agreements between physicians and patients Includes in the definition that these agreements are not considered insurance Did not get called off the table in 2017 Returns to the Senate Insurance Committee for consideration in 2018 With Hunter Hill announcing a run for Governor, there will likely be a new champion for this issue emerge SB 50

7 SB 206 Hearing aid coverage Sponsored by Senator PK Martin
Requires insurance companies to provide hearing aids and replacements to children 18 or younger Costs are capped at $3,000 per aid, per ear SB 206 was signed on May 8th SB 206

8 2018 Elections 2018 Election Cycle Governor
Secretary of State Brian Kemp – Announced Lt. Governor Casey Cagle – Announced Senator Hunter Hill – Announced Senator Michael Williams – Announced Representative Stacey Abrams – Announced Representative Stacey Evans – Announced Lt. Governor Representative Geoff Duncan – Announced Senator Rick Jeffares – Announced Senator David Shafer – Announced 2018 Elections

9 2018 Elections 2018 Election Cycle Insurance Commissioner
Deputy Commissioner Jay Florence – Announced Former State Senator Judson Hill – Rumored candidate Secretary of State Senator Josh McKoon - Announced Representative Buzz Brockway – Announced Representative Brad Raffensperger – Announced Mayor David Belle Isle – Announced Attorney General Chris Carr – Incumbent, Announced Former Congressman John Barrow – Rumored candidate 2018 Elections

10 Thank you!

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