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Brachial plexus and nerves of the upper limb

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Presentation on theme: "Brachial plexus and nerves of the upper limb"— Presentation transcript:

1 Brachial plexus and nerves of the upper limb
Prof. Abdulameer Al-Nuaimi E. mail:


3 Dermatomes

4 Brachial Plexus Behind the clav. Scal Ant Post triang U T M T L T
Rhomboids & levat Scap M U T M T L T Serratus ant. M. Scal post Latiss Dorsi M. Brachial Plexus

5 Posterior triangle

6 The cords are named according
To their arrangement around the Middle part of the axillary artery



9 Of the forearm


11 Cutaneous nerve of the forearm
Innervation of Musculocutaneous nerve Cutaneous nerve of the forearm

12 Axillary Nerve It passes posteriorly round the surgical neck of the
Humerus with the post. Circumflex humeral artery


14 Axillary nerve

15 Cubital Fossa

16 Cubital Fossa

17 The Radial nerve Arise from the posterior cord of the brachial plexus, it arise from nerve roots C5, C6, C7, C8, T1

18 Branches of radial nerve In the forearm it gives superficial sensory and deep motor branches. The deep branch winds around the neck of the radius between the superficial and deep layers of Supinator muscle to reach posterior of forearm. The superficial sensory branches are:

19 Dermatomes of the hand

20 Muscles of the forearm


22 Ulnar nerve Then It passes anteriorly in the forearm

23 Adductor pollicise muscle
Ulnar nerve Adductor pollicise muscle the d


25 Median nerve It passes between the two heads of pronator teres m.

26 Innervation and the skin on the dorsal surface of
Their distal phalanges


28 Carpal tunnel syndrome

29 Thank You

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