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Animal Tissues A Quick Introduction.

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Presentation on theme: "Animal Tissues A Quick Introduction."— Presentation transcript:

1 Animal Tissues A Quick Introduction

2 Tissue Categories Def- Group of cells that work together to perform a specific function Categories Connective tissue Epithelial tissue Muscle tissue Nervous tissue

3 Connective tissue Composed of both cells and exogenous matrix material
Usually holds other tissues together Includes osseous tissue (bone) and blood Displays a variety of appearances

4 Connective tissues

5 More Connective Tissues

6 Epithelial Tissue Covers surfaces and lines cavities Protect, secrete
3 major shapes Squamous- flat Cuboidal Columnar Major arrangements Simple Stratified Pseudostratified Basal membrane

7 Epithilial Tissue Types

8 Muscle Tissue Contractile tissue
Contains protein fibers that mediate movement 3 major types Cardiac Skeletal Smooth

9 Cardiac Muscle Tissue Found only in the heart Striations
Intercalated discs Branched arangement Automaticity

10 Skeletal Muscle Tissue
Moves bones Striations Peripheral nuclei Elongated cells Parallel arrangment

11 Smooth Muscle Tissue Involuntary movement of soft tissues Non-striated
Arteries Intestines Bladder Non-striated Spindle shaped

12 Nervous Tissue Neurons Glial cells display an action potential
Elongated, 3 parts Dendrite, soma, axon Transmit impulses Glial cells Support neurons Some insulate neurons

13 Nervous tissue

14 Summary Tissues are groups of cells that work together to perform a specific function Tissues come in a wide variety of types Each type has characteristics that allow its identification The colors seen in tissue samples are artificial and due to the staining technique used. Identification must be made based on more consistent characteristics

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