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IRD Duhallow Public Meeting 16th January 2017

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1 IRD Duhallow Public Meeting 16th January 2017
Rural Development (LEADER) Programme 2018/11/22

2 Introduction to the Programme
LEADER stands for "Liaison Entre Actions de Développement de l'Économie Rurale" which translates as "Links between the rural economy and development actions. LEADER is a Community Led Local Development (CLLD) approach that involves the participation of rural communities in developing responses to the key economic, environmental and social challenges identified in their areas. LEADER is underpinned by a framework which requires a Local Development Strategy (LDS) for the delivery of LEADER activities. The Local Development Strategy is a community-led plan, developed and driven by rural communities through the LAG, to address the needs identified and to achieve a defined set of local objectives. IRD Duhallow undertook a detailed consultation process in Duhallow and all information gathered has informed the 3 strategies IRD Duhallow CLG

3 LEADER Programme Roll out 2014-2020
In Ireland, the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine (DAFM) is the Managing Authority and lead Department for LEADER The Department of Arts, Heritage, Regional, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs is the Contracting and managing Authority & Delegated Paying Agency for LEADER. Pobal provides technical and administrative support to the Department & Local Authorities, for LEADER. It will conduct LEADER Audits called Article 48 Administrative Checks on all LEADER expenditure. IRD Duhallow is contracted to 3 Local Community Development Committees/ LAGs– North Cork, South Cork and Kerry IRD Duhallow has one independent evaluation committee for all 3. IRD Duhallow CLG

4 Local Action Group Partners
Local Action Group Role The LCDC will have overall responsibility for the LEADER Programme and will make final decisions on approval of applications for funding. Financial Partner Role The Local Authorities will have a financial partner role. They will pay out the grant aid to programme beneficiaries and will conduct administrative checks once delegated on project applications. IRD Duhallow “Implementing Partners Role” The responsibility for animation of projects and support to applicants to develop their applications for funding will be delivered by IRD Duhallow. The administration of the projects though the LEADER system will also be undertaken by IRD Duhallow and recommendations from IRD Duhallow’s evaluation committee and board will be passed to the LCDC for final decision IRD Duhallow CLG

5 IRD Duhallow’s Evaluation Committee
Each project is evaluated by IRD Duhallow’s Independent Evaluation Committee against the set evaluation and scoring criteria. Project score sheets for assessment are used. The Independent Evaluation Committee recommendations are reviewed by the Board of IRD Duhallow. Project funding recommendations are then forwarded to the relevant Local Community Development Committee, who make the final decisions on the projects to be funded. All documentation associated with Evaluation stage is uploaded to Department of Arts, Heritage, Regional, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs IT system (system not ready yet). IRD Duhallow CLG

6 Implementation Framework & Programme Partners for Kerry
Kerry Local Community Dev. Committee (LAG) Implementing Partners (LDC’s) Financial Partner South Kerry Dev. Partnership Ltd. (SKDP) North, East & West Kerry Development Ltd (NEWKD) IRD Duhallow Ltd. Kerry County Council (KCC) IRD Duhallow CLG

7 Implementation Framework & Programme Partners for North Cork
North Cork Community Dev. Committee (LAG) Implementing Partners (LDC’s) Financial Partner Ballyhoura Development CLG IRD Duhallow CLG Avondhu Blackwater CLG Cork County Council (KCC) IRD Duhallow CLG

8 Implementation Framework & Programme Partners for South Cork
South Cork Local Community Dev. Committee (LAG) Implementing Partners (LDC’s) Financial Partner IRD Duhallow CLG SECAD Avondhu Blackwater Udaras Cork County Council (KCC) IRD Duhallow CLG

9 LEADER Programme Allocated Budget
Total Budget Duhallow portion Value Previous programme % North Cork LCDC €5,091,845 € 2,036,768 40% South Cork LCDC €3,831,303 € ,000 5% Kerry LCDC €10,219,868 € ,000 4% Total €1,914,3016 € 2,619,768 14% Duhallow €2,619,768 €12,747,863 -79% IRD Duhallow CLG

10 Geographical Area IRD Duhallow CLG

11 Programme Themes & Sub Themes
Rural Development (LEADER) Programme funding for the period 2014 – 2020 will focus on themes and sub thematic areas as follows: RDP Theme: Economic Development, Enterprise Development and Job Creation Sub Themes: Rural Tourism Enterprise Development Rural Towns Broadband Social Inclusion Basic Services Targeted at Hard to Reach Communities Rural Youth Rural Environment Protection and Sustainable use of Water Resources Protection and Improvement of Local Biodiversity Development of Renewable Energy IRD Duhallow CLG

12 Programme Themes Theme 1: Economic Development, Enterprise Development and Job Creation Relates to the challenge of driving continued local economic development, diversification of the rural economy, create employment opportunities for the local community, including those from disadvantaged groups. Theme 2: Social Inclusion Relates to fostering social inclusion. As a result of inadequate income and resources, people may be excluded and marginalised from participating in activities which are considered the norm for other people in society. This is compounded by physical isolation, low population density, high levels of out-migration and distance from urban centres. Theme 3: Rural Environment Relates to maximising the potential of the environment to contribute to the sustainable development of rural communities. Utilising the landscape, its features and natural resources, while simultaneously creating greater environmental awareness and improving environmental protection. IRD Duhallow CLG

13 Programme Sub Themes Rural Tourism:
Rural tourism provides a stimulus for enterprise and job creation based on a particular asset that is generally place-specific, e.g. landscape and history. Examples: Feasibility studies to explore the tourism potential of an area Marketing initiatives and the creation of tourism hubs to facilitate a multi-sectoral approach Activities that centre on the development and renovation of infrastructure to historic and heritage-based tourism Development of cultural/heritage infrastructure of local significance and arts-based activities and events Provision of amenity and leisure facilities can support adventure/eco-based tourism Rural Development (LEADER) Programme

14 Programme Sub Themes Enterprise Development:
Support for micro, small and medium enterprises such as artisan and other food businesses, Renewable Energy, Marine diversification, Social Enterprises, Creative Industries. Examples: Purchase of equipment, refurbishment of enterprise spaces, capital works, specialised training, marketing and branding assistance etc. Investment support or sector-specific training programmes for aspiring entrepreneurs, early stage promoters, social enterprises, start-ups and established SMEs The development of inclusive models of business support to realise the potential of groups who are underrepresented in enterprise such as women, young people and people with a disability Rural Development (LEADER) Programme

15 Programme Sub Themes Rural Towns:
Supports the regeneration of rural towns by promoting them as attractive places to visit, live and do business. Examples: Town renewal schemes that renovate derelict buildings with incentives to attract business to vacant properties Building or refurbishment of community buildings providing a multifunctional infrastructure for social, cultural and sporting activities and training for the local community Development and promotion of unique social events and activities, such as farmers’ markets, providing an important stimulus to rural towns Support for Festivals / Events (marketing, equipment, training etc.) Rural Development (LEADER) Programme

16 Programme Sub Themes Broadband:
Supports for local actions that complement national initiatives aimed at developing a comprehensive rural broadband infrastructure. Examples: Basic ICT training to priority groups, for example, to enable older people and young people to stay connected Skills development for installing broadband Feasibility studies in relation to community broadband Funding for small scale equipment, such as boosters, to allow local businesses access broadband Note: This sub-theme is not intended to cover broadband infrastructure as this is covered under the National Broadband Plan. Rural Development (LEADER) Programme

17 Programme Sub Themes Provision of Basic Services Targeted at Hard to Reach Communities: Supports to improve access to basic services for people living in rural and remote areas and groups who are at risk of social exclusion. Actions may involve establishing a new service for communities at risk of social exclusion, or improving existing services provided to communities and community groups. Examples of basic services include: Community facilities Education/training Social/cultural Recreational Non-conventional retail Rural Development (LEADER) Programme

18 Programme Sub Themes Rural Youth (defined as people aged 15 – 35 years): Supports for the promotion of youth entrepreneurship and associated training to provide improved pathways for young people to access economic opportunities in rural areas. Examples: Provision of youth clubs/cafés Improved access to ICT Sports/recreation activities Arts-based projects Youth development programmes Rural Development (LEADER) Programme

19 Programme Sub Themes Protection and Sustainable use of Water Resources: Support towards actions that assist in raising general awareness on water conservation issues, and the development of local water conservation plans and feasibility studies. Capacity building on the technical aspects of water recycling schemes. Examples: Practical initiatives that conserve water, for example, community programmes for rain water harvesting and the use of greywater for fertiliser and general washing Rural Development (LEADER) Programme

20 Programme Sub Themes Protection and Improvement of Local Biodiversity:
Support towards actions that promote local biodiversity include awareness raising and practical guidance on how to protect biodiversity domestically. Feasibility studies and action plans may focus on larger scale projects that enhance and protect particular aspects of biodiversity. Examples: Practical initiatives that support biodiversity and environmental improvements, for example, the upgrading of parks and river walks, establishment of nature corridors, habitat creation and planting of native species. Rural Development (LEADER) Programme

21 Programme Sub Themes Development of Renewable Energy:
Actions that may be supported include general awareness raising on environmental issues and feasibility studies relating to green technologies. Capacity building actions may focus on the installation and use of renewable energy technologies. Examples: Technologies that deliver sustainable energy alternatives, for example, biomass heating, solar power, community wind farms and community-based heating systems. Rural Development (LEADER) Programme

22 LEADER Programme Commencement
LEADER Plan (Strategy) ALL approved and contracts signed Two Stage Process: (1) Expression of Interest (2) Full Application LEADER will operate on: 1. A ‘Time-limited Targeted Call and 2. On a ‘Rolling Call’ basis for certain calls. Time Bound calls for Expressions of Interest will be under specified themes and subthemes of the programme within a defined timeframe. Applications under time bound calls MUST be received during the period outlined The rolling calls will not have a defined closing date for submission of EOI (subject to availability of funds). This will be on a continuous basis until the budget for that project activity is fully allocated i.e. funding is allocated on a first come first served basis. All Calls for Expressions of Interest will be widely publicised through IRD Duhallow’s Newsletter, website, information meetings and across the local media.

23 Time Limited Calls Kerry - EOI’s from Potential Applicants were invited from the 10th of October to the 30th of October 2016 for Enterprise Development. Budget for the Call: €100,000 North Cork – Calls for EOI’s opened on Jan 9th for the 3 following sub themes: Enterprise Development, Rural Towns and Broadband. Budget for the Call: €343,699 with a closing date of Feb 28th 2017. South Cork – The call for projects should be announced by the end of January 2017. IRD Duhallow CLG

24 First Step- Expression of Interest
Outlines your project proposal and checks if it is eligible to progress to the second stage, LEADER Application form. Eligibility is checked against the LEADER Operating Rules of the relevant Local Development Strategy. The submission of an Expression of Interest form does NOT constitute an application for funding. Equally, approval of Expression of Interest form does not constitute approval for funding, nor does it indicate that a subsequent funding application will be approved. If you are submitting your Expression of Interest as part of a ‘Time-limited Call’, please ensure that it is submitted in advance of the designated closing date. All Expressions of Interest submitted are input into the Department IT system and Eligible & ineligible Expressions of Interest will be submitted to the LCDC. IRD Duhallow CLG

25 Time Bound Targeted Calls for Applications
Targeted Calls – Process E.G Kerry Call for EOI’s under Enterprise Development including information session and publicity. EOI forms available on Time Frame: Expressions of Interest were accepted from the 10th of October to the 30th of October 2016. EOIs assessed by IRD Duhallow and eligible EOIs identified. Eligible & Ineligible EOI’S were submitted to Kerry LCDC for sign off. i.e. mid November 2016. Those applicants who submitted an eligible EOI were written to by IRD Duhallow and invited to submit a full Application for funding along with the required supporting documentation by deadline date. i.e. Fri January 20th 2017. N.B –Applications are only invited from those applicants who have submitted an eligible EOI. IRD Duhallow CLG

26 Targeted Calls for Proposals – Cont’d
Completed applications along with supporting documentation will be assessed by IRD Duhallow Development officers, project file compiled & project evaluation prepared. Completed by end of January 2017. Project documentation submitted to Pobal for 1st administrative check (Article 48 Checks) - Checks completed mid February 2017. IRD Duhallow’s Evaluation Committee will evaluate & score project applications and those with the highest score will be recommended for funding. IRD Duhallow Evaluation Committee recommendations will be reviewed by IRD Duhallow Board – End of February 2017 Project funding recommendations by the IRD Duhallow Evaluation Committee will be forwarded to the Kerry LAG who will take the final decisions on the projects to be funded. 1st/2nd week in March 2017 Project documentation submitted to Pobal for 2nd administrative check (Article 48 Checks) – Check completed 3rd week of March 2017 IRD Duhallow CLG

27 Targeted Calls for Proposals – Cont’d
A contract for funding (Letter of Offer) will issue from IRD Duhallow for those projects approved for funding by the Kerry LAG - end of March 2017. When the contract is signed by the applicant and returned to IRD Duhallow – Project activity can commence Grant can be drawn down when project or project phase is completed – claim documentation is submitted to IRD Duhallow Project documentation submitted to Pobal for 3rd (& Final) administrative check (Article 48 Checks) prior to payment. Grant will by paid by Kerry County Council when final administrative check is completed by Pobal. IRD Duhallow CLG

28 Grant Aid Amounts and Rates
Capital / Equipment Private Promoter: 50% Maximum €200,000 Community Promoter: %* Maximum €200,000* * Increased to €500,000 where no economic activity is carried out (For Community Projects that do not involve Economic Activity it is likely that an upper ceiling of €500,000 will apply) Training Private / Community Promoter 100% Maximum €200,000 Analysis & Development Private Promoter: 75% Maximum €30,000 Community Promoter: % Maximum €30,000 Please note: The minimum grant amount is €1,250 Specific calls may have lower rates of aid and lower maximum funding IRD Duhallow CLG

29 Matching & Bridging Finance
Matching Funding – Community Applicants Only LEADER Funding can be matched by other public (Non EU) funding Must be a minimum of 5% local cash contribution by the applicant i.e. Overall level of public funding (incl. LEADER) cannot exceed 95% of the total eligible project costs. Contributions in Kind – Community & Farm Diversification Applicants Only Contribution in Kind – Acceptable as a source of matching funding Contribution in Kind can be in the form of Voluntary Labour Donation/Lease of Land or Buildings (Community Projects Only) Evidence of Matching & Bridging Finance Evidence must be obtained by IRD Duhallow prior to the issue of the offer of funding (Contract) IRD Duhallow CLG

30 Ineligible Activities
LEADER grant aid cannot be awarded or paid in respect of the following areas: Agriculture Fisheries Conventional retail operations, excluding community based shops and farm shops selling locally produced produce. Courses of instruction or training which form the part of normal education programmes or systems at secondary or higher levels. Note: This includes Rural Development diploma and degree. Loans Working capital (including stock) Insurance for project promoters Horticultural (including bee-keeping) Payments for gifts and donations or personal entertainments Statutory fines and penalties, criminal fines and damages IRD Duhallow CLG

31 Ineligible Activities contd.
Legal expenses in respect of litigation Costs associated with meeting a legislative or statutory requirement Planning Application Fee Reclaimable VAT Improvements/refurbishment of private residential property Projects which already have other European Union funding either directly or through a national programme Conventional Motor vehicles – including Cars, industrial/farm/construction vehicles, Vans & Buses. General maintenance Works of public bodies. Childcare Healthcare Nursing Homes Housing Race & Sport horse industries Greyhound industry IRD Duhallow CLG

32 Full Application Documentation Required for Full application.
Completed signed and dated IRD Duhallow LEADER Application Form De-minimis Aid Declaration Memorandum & Articles Of Association/Constitution A signed Business / Marketing Plan (where applicable) Sign and dated Quotations/Tenders with a completed schedule of quotations clearly indicating which are being used as part of the project. Where a project includes a voluntary contribution, an independent verification of the value of the contribution. Where Contribution in Kind is being used, a completed Contribution in Kind calculation form must be completed. Where a project includes a donation, an independent verification of the value of the donation and confirmation that the value of the donation has not previously been used for another project. Most recent financial statements/Audited Accounts – 3 years Most Recent Bank Statement(s) – 3 months Please note: accounts are also required annually for the duration of the Project. IRD Duhallow CLG

33 Full Application contd.
Where the Application is for a project under the Theme of Economic Development, Enterprise Development and Job Creation supports, confirmation, such as a letter from the Accountant, that the applicant is a small and medium enterprise employing fewer than 250 employees with an annual turnover of less than €50 million, and an annual balance sheet total not exceeding €43 million. Valid Tax Clearance Certificate verification details Letter from Revenue confirming non-registration for VAT (Where grant sought includes VAT) Please note: a current VAT letter is required at each stage of the grant payment where phased payments are required. Written evidence of contact made with other state agencies to determine if alternative funding is available to the applicant and to the project. Evidence of Ownership (Title Deeds/Lease) - Capital Projects Planning Permission/Planning Permission exemption – Capital Projects A lease must stipulate the term, and shall be for a period of not less than 7 years from the date of final LEADER payment to the promoter. In circumstances where it is not possible to obtain a formal lease, other legal agreements of equal probate may be accepted if endorsed by a solicitor. IRD Duhallow CLG

34 FullApplication contd.
Bridging & Matching Funding - Evidence that the promoter can provide their portion of the project costs, such as existing bank balance or securing a loan and that the promoter can provide 100% of the project costs in the first instance, prior to being issued with an offer of grant aid. For farmers – Agricultural De-minimis Scheme form Performance Indicators Data Form Evidence of compliance with standards (e.g. HACCP, Failte Irl etc) Appropriate Assessment / Environmental Impact Assessment if required e.g. Capital Projects located in an SAC – additional consents required For Heritage Projects, consents and approvals are required as per heritage project guidance and a completed Checklist for Projects Affecting Heritage. Where a contractor/supplier has been used for work exceeding €10,000, Information Required to Verify contractor’s / supplier’s Tax Clearance Cert. Where a contractor/supplier has been used for any form of building work, Information Required to Verify contractor’s / supplier’s Tax Clearance Cert Written Confirmation from Revenue Commissioners if claiming charitable status. IRD Duhallow CLG

35 Insurance The Promoter must fully indemnify IRD Duhallow, the Minister and LCDC in relation to any such damage, loss or injury occurring during the development works or other activities. Where construction is undertaken by a contractor, the promoter must ensure that the contractor or subcontractor has appropriate insurance cover in place e.g. employers and public liability insurance, in the event of any injury, loss, damage or other mishap occurring. Promoters need to acquaint themselves with the provisions of the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act 2005, Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Construction Regulation 2006, and other relevant regulations. IRD Duhallow CLG

36 Quotations / Tenders Tenders must be obtained for each item of expenditure for which grant aid is sought. Quotations must be signed/dated & must show the VAT element separately. Quotations submitted electronically, which are accompanied by clearly identifiable date and source information, will be accepted up to the relevant thresholds. Where it is not possible to obtain the requisite number of quotes, written evidence is required to demonstrate that the requisite numbers of quotes were sought. Public Procurement Guidelines to be followed in relation to public procurement are available on the e-Tenders website and IRD Duhallow CLG

37 Quotations / Tenders For a Non-Contracting Authority:
Supplies & Services Works €0 - €4,999 Minimum 3 Written Quotations €5,000 - €25,000 €5,000 - €50,000 Minimum 5 written quotations or e-tenders process Greater than €25,000 Formal E-tenders process Greater than €50,000 IRD Duhallow CLG

38 State Aid / De-minimis Requirements
For projects involving economic activity: There is an upper limit of €200,000 on the amount of state aid(De Minimis Aid) that can be awarded in any 3 year period . LEADER Funding is regarded as state aid. Applicants must disclose all public funding received in the 3 previous years For Community Projects that do not involve economic activity it is likely that an upper ceiling of €500,000 will apply. If a project involves economic activity, then the promoter will have to declare whether they have or have not received state aid. Where the promoter has received state aid, they will have to state the said amount of aid and the dates it was received , and sign a declaration accordingly. IRD Duhallow CLG

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