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Handicap International

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1 Handicap International
Dressing and Bathing Handicap International Sri Lanka Aleema Shivji

2 Children who have slow development may also be slow to learn to dress, wash and toilet
People with disability may have difficulty dressing, washing and toileting The family might think it is easier and quicker to dress and wash the person with disability, and to let them toilet in their clothes Not encouraging the person to dress, wash and toilet themselves will slow development and encourage them to become dependent on others

3 It is important to train someone to help dress, wash and toilet themselves
Dressing, washing and toileting all improve movement, balance and awareness of the body Training will take time but it will mean the person will be able to do more for himself This will mean the caregiver (mother, wife, sister…) will not need to spend as much time each day helping the person

4 Dressing for the Child who is Stiff (Spastic)
Dressing is easier if the body and hips are bent forward A stiff child will often become even more stiff if dressed lying on his back

5 Dressing for the child who is stiff (spastic)
If the arm is bent stiffly, SLOWLY straighten it If the legs are bent stiffly or hard to separate, SLOWLY bend them at the knees Help the child find a position which is easy for them to dress themselves

6 Dressing for the person with part of the body paralyzed
If one side is weaker than the other, it is easier to put clothes first on the weak side If one side is weaker, it is easier to remove clothes first from the strong side Use loose-fitting, easy to put on clothing Elastic, big buttons, strings or big zippers may be helpful

7 Dressing for the person with part of the body paralyzed
A special position or special aid might be helpful

8 Washing the body Dirt causes disease so keeping clean is important to stay healthy Bend the knees to make it easier to open the legs to clean. A child who is stiff or bends backward can be held like this Toys that float can make washing more fun and exciting

9 Washing the body Find different positions that make it easier to bath
Use different aids to make it easier to bath alone


11 Getting water If the person is unable to get water from the well, water pump or tap, find ways to make this easier: The person might need a mobility aid (crutches, tricycle, wheelchair, etc) to get to the well The path to the water source might need to be made smoother or wider A special container may need to be used to collect and carry the water

12 If the person uses crutches, water can be carried on the head or in the same hand as the crutch

13 Other Information Bending and straightening the legs and arms during dressing and washing helps to keep them from becoming stiff in one position Talk to the person when helping them to wash or dress – this will help develop language skills Encourage the person to do as much as they can on their own; only help if you have to

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