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Topic 5.1 Evidence for Evolution

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1 Topic 5.1 Evidence for Evolution


3 30 Minute Inquiry Activity
Research one of the following types of Evolutionary Evidence: Fossil Record Vestigial Structures Homologous Structures Comparative DNA Note the following about your type of evidence: Who gathers this Technology Involved Reliability of results What the results look like Evidence for Evolution Provided Draw this out on your whiteboard, and I’ll come around to have you explain.


5 Compare the structure of the pentadactyl limb of the animals below
Compare the structure of the pentadactyl limb of the animals below. How do they differ in function of their modern form?

6 Whales evolved from land-dwelling mammals
Animation Whales evolved from land-dwelling mammals Documentary (Brief)


8 The development of melanistic insects in polluted areas was an observable form of evidence for evolution. Peppered Moths are found in two natural forms: Light, and Dark Natural environmental conditions - (moths rest on lightly colored lichen found on trees). Selection Pressure – Predation from birds Frequency Shift – Moths that are lightly colored survive longer on lichen than moths that are darkly colored. Environmental Shift – Occurred during early 1900s, what was going on in America in the early 1900s? Result????

9 The development of melanistic insects in polluted areas was an observable form of evidence for evolution. Peppered Moths are found in two natural forms: Light, and Dark Natural environmental conditions - (moths rest on lightly colored lichen found on trees). Selection Pressure – Predation from birds Allele Frequency – Lighter alleles are more prevalent than darker alleles. Environmental Shift – Occurred during early 1900s, what was going on in America in the early 1900s? Result A dramatic frequency shift from lighter alleles to darker alleles over ~20 years. Environmental Ethics: Fortunately, modern pollution regulations are seeing a dramatic return in the lighter allele expression, as forest get cleaned up.

10 This allows humans to decide what traits are “beneficial”, based on our needs. In what ways is this selfish? Is this to the benefit of the modern dog/corn?

11 Populations of a species can gradually diverge into separate species by evolution.
Are these the same species? Which are the same? Continuous variation across geographical range of populations matches the concept of gradual divergence.

12 What adaptations does each possess to give each an advantage?
Populations of a species can gradually diverge into separate species by evolution. Male Ptarmigan Female Grouse Female Ptarmigan Are these the same species? Which are the same? Male Grouse Continuous variation across geographical range of populations matches the concept of gradual divergence. Ptarmigan Pop. Grouse Pop. Compare the geographical distribution of grouse vs. ptarmigans. What difference is there? What adaptations does each possess to give each an advantage?





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