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Constructed Response with Paired Texts

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1 Constructed Response with Paired Texts
Grade 7 Copyright © 2015 Write Score LLC

2 4 Steps in Answering Constructed Responses
Read and understand the rubric. Actively read the passages –mark up texts, make notations, self-check. Try to find connections between the two articles. Read questions carefully to understand the task. Find and use evidence from the texts to support your answer.

3 Step 1 Read and understand the rubric Points Description 2
The response achieves the following: demonstrates a thorough understanding of the question and text(s) uses sufficient evidence and includes specific examples/details that make clear references to the text(s) describes or explains adequately by using clearly relevant information based on the text(s) 1 demonstrates a basic understanding of the question and text(s) uses limited evidence and includes vague/limited examples/details that make references to the text(s) somewhat describes or explains by using vague/limited information based on the text(s) demonstrates no understanding of the question and text(s) OR uses limited or no evidence and may or may not include examples/details that may or may not make references to the text(s) includes no explanation or no relevant information from the text(s)

4 Constructed Response Questions
Step 2 Preview the constructed response questions and actively read the passages – mark up texts, make notations, self-check Constructed Response Questions 1. How is commercial fishing beneficial? How is commercial fishing harmful? Compare and contrast the purpose of the two articles.  

5 Step 2 Actively read the passages – mark up texts, make notations, self-check Look for any words that are unfamiliar Underline the main idea if it is stated Briefly summarize the main idea if it is implied Stop every paragraph or two and recap quickly in your head Look for signal words and phrases Look for connections between the two articles

6 Step 2 Actively read the passages –mark up texts, make notations, self-check Look for any words that are unfamiliar Underline the main idea if it is stated Briefly summarize the main idea if it is implied Stop every paragraph or two and recap quickly in your head Look for signal words and phrases Look for connections between the two articles

7 Step 2 Actively read the passages – mark up texts, make notations, self-check Look for any words that are unfamiliar Underline the main idea if it is stated Briefly summarize the main idea if it is implied Stop every paragraph or two and recap quickly in your head Look for signal words and phrases Look for connections between the two articles

8 Step 2 Actively read the passages –mark up texts, make notations, self-check Look for any words that are unfamiliar Underline the main idea if it is stated Briefly summarize the main idea if it is implied Stop every paragraph or two and recap quickly in your head Look for signal words and phrases Look for connections between the two articles

9 Step 2 Actively read the passages – mark up texts, make notations, self-check Look for any words that are unfamiliar Underline the main idea if it is stated Briefly summarize the main idea if it is implied Stop every paragraph or two and recap quickly in your head Look for signal words and phrases Look for connections between the two articles

10 Step 2 Actively read the passages –mark up texts, make notations, self-check Look for any words that are unfamiliar Underline the main idea if it is stated Briefly summarize the main idea if it is implied Stop every paragraph or two and recap quickly in your head Look for signal words and phrases Look for connections between the two articles

11 Step 2 Actively read the passages –mark up texts, make notations, self-check Look for any words that are unfamiliar Underline the main idea if it is stated Briefly summarize the main idea if it is implied Stop every paragraph or two and recap quickly in your head Look for signal words and phrases Look for connections between the two articles

12 Step 2 Actively read the passages –mark up texts, make notations, self-check Look for any words that are unfamiliar Underline the main idea if it is stated Briefly summarize the main idea if it is implied Stop every paragraph or two and recap quickly in your head Look for signal words and phrases Look for connections between the two articles

13 Step 2 Actively read the passages – mark up texts, make notations, self-check Look for any words that are unfamiliar Underline the main idea if it is stated Briefly summarize the main idea if it is implied Stop every paragraph or two and recap quickly in your head Look for signal words and phrases Look for connections between the two articles

14 Constructed Response Questions
Step 3 Read questions carefully to understand the task Constructed Response Questions 1. How is commercial fishing beneficial? How is commercial fishing harmful? Compare and contrast the purpose of the two articles.  

15 Step 3 1. How is commercial fishing beneficial?
Read questions carefully to understand the task What do I need to do to answer this question? I will have find all the places that highlight the benefits. This will likely be in the first article. The details I find will have to support the answer I choose. 1. How is commercial fishing beneficial?

16 Step 4 How is commercial fishing beneficial?
Find and use evidence from the texts to support your answer How is commercial fishing beneficial? When I reread this, I highlighted all the areas that summarize the benefits. Now, I will go back and reread this section to find details to support my answer.

17 Step 4 1. How is commercial fishing beneficial?
Find and use evidence from the texts to support your answer 1. How is commercial fishing beneficial? Sample response: Commercial fishing employs a lot of people, which helps the economy. Additionally, there are a lot of health benefits for people who eat seafood since it is filled with Omega 3. Commercial fishing allows people all over the country, not just those living next to the ocean, to receive the health benefits of seafood.

18 Do Together Read and understand the rubric.
Actively read the passages, mark up texts, make notations, self- check. Try to find connections between the two articles. Read questions carefully to understand the task. Find and use evidence from the texts to support your answer.

19 What do I need to do to answer this question?
Step 3 Read questions carefully to understand the task What do I need to do to answer this question? 2. How is commercial fishing harmful?

20 Step 4 2. How is commercial fishing harmful?
Find and use evidence from the texts to support your answer 2. How is commercial fishing harmful? When I skim back over the articles, I need to make note of places where _________.

21 Step 4 2. How is commercial fishing harmful?
Find and use evidence from the texts to support your answer 2. How is commercial fishing harmful? Sample response: The nets that commercial fishermen use now are too big and end up catching other sea animals that end up dying and going to waste. There is also evidence of over fishing, which could wipe out entire populations of fish species. By overfishing some species, it affects the rest of the system.

22 On Your Own Read and understand the rubric.
Actively read the passages, mark up texts, make notations, self- check. Try to find connections between the two articles. Read questions carefully to understand the task. Find and use evidence from the texts to support your answer.

23 What do I need to do to answer this question?
Step 3 Read questions carefully to understand the task What do I need to do to answer this question? 3. Compare and contrast the purpose of the two articles.

24 Where do I find this information?
Step 4 Find and use evidence from the texts to support your answer 3. Compare and contrast the purpose of the two articles. Where do I find this information?

25 Step 4 Find and use evidence from the texts to support your answer
3. Compare and contrast the purpose of the two articles. Sample response: The first article is written to inform the reader of the benefits that come with commercial fishing. Although the negative effects are briefly mentioned, the article is almost entirely focused on the benefits. The second article is the opposite. The author is informing the reader of the negative side of commercial fishing. The benefits are mentioned briefly, but almost all of it is based on the negative effects. Both articles are more informative than persuasive as they are not using the persuasive language to ask the reader to take a stand or take some action.

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