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Chapter 9 Design via Root Locus <<<4.1>>>
###Continuous Time Signals###
Improving transient response
Figure 9.1 a. Sample root locus, showing possible design point via gain adjustment (A) and desired design point that cannot be met via simple gain adjustment (B); b. responses from poles at A and B
Improving steady-state error
Compensation techniques: a. cascade; b. feedback Ideal compensators are implemented with active networks.
Improving steady-state error via cascade compensation
Pole at A is: a. on the root locus without compensator; b. not on the root locus with compensator pole added; (figure continues)
Ideal Integral compensation (PI)
c. approximately on the root locus with compensator pole and zero added
Closed-loop system for Example 9. 1 a. before compensation; b
Closed-loop system for Example 9.1 a. before compensation; b. after ideal integral compensation Problem: The given system operating with damping ratio of Add an ideal integral compensator to reduce the ss error. Solution: We compensate the system by choosing a pole at the origin and a zero at -0.1
Root locus for uncompensated system of Figure 9.4(a)
The gain K = yields Kp =8.23 and
Root locus for compensated system of Figure 9.4(b)
Almost same transient response and gain, but with zero ss error since we have a type one system.
Ideal integral compensated system response and the uncompensated system response of Example 9.1
PI controller A method to implement an Ideal integral compensator is shown.
Lag Compensator a. Type 1 uncompensated system; b
Lag Compensator a. Type 1 uncompensated system; b. Type 1 compensated system; c. compensator pole-zero plot Using passive networks, the compensation pole and zero is moved to the left, close to the origin. The static error constant for uncompensated system is Assuming the compensator is used as in b & c the static error is
Root locus: a. before lag compensation; b. after lag compensation
Effect on transient response Root locus: a. before lag compensation; b. after lag compensation Almost no change on the transient response and same gain K. While the ss error is effected since
Lag compensator design Example 9.2
Problem: Compensate the shown system to improve the ss error by a factor of 10 if the system is operating with a damping ratio of 0.174 Solution: the uncompensated system error from previous example is with Kp= a ten fold improvement means ss error = so Kp= so the ratio arbitrarily selecting Pc=0.01 and Zc=11.13Pc
Root locus for compensated system
Predicted characteristics of uncompensated and lag-compensated systems for Example 9.2
Step responses of uncompensated and lag-compensated systems for Example 9.2
Step responses of the system for Example 9
Step responses of the system for Example 9.2 using different lag compensators
Improving Transient response via Cascade Compensation
Ideal Derivative compensator is called PD controller When using passive network it’s called lead compensator Using ideal derivative compensation: a. uncompensated; b. compensator zero at –2;
c. Compensator zero at –3; d. Compensator zero at – 4
Improving Transient response via Cascade Compensation c. Compensator zero at –3; d. Compensator zero at – 4
Uncompensated system and ideal derivative compensation solutions from Table 9.2
Table 9.2 Predicted characteristics for the systems of previous slides
Feedback control system for Example 9.3
Problem: Given the system in the figure, design an ideal derivative compensator to yield a 16% overshoot with a threefold reduction in settling time. Root locus for uncompensated system of Example 9.3
Compensated dominant pole superimposed over the uncompensated root locus for Example 9.3
The settling time for the uncompensated system shown in next slide is In order to have a threefold reduction in the settling time, the settling time of the compensated system will be one third of 3.32 that is 1.107, so the real part of the compensated system’s dominant second order pole is And the imaginary part is The figure shows the designed dominant 2nd order poles.
Evaluating the location of the compensating zero for Example 9.3
The sum of angles from all poles to the desired compensated pole j6.193 is The angle of the zero to be on the root locus is =95.6 The location of the compensator zero is calculated as
Uncompensated and compensated system characteristics for Example 9.3
Root locus for the compensated system of Example 9.3
Uncompensated and compensated system step responses of Example 9.3
PD controller implementation
K2 is chosen to contribute to the required loop-gain value. And K1/K2 is chosen to equal the negative of the compensator zero.
Geometry of lead compensation
Advantages of a passive lead network over an active PD controller: no need for additional power supply noise due to differentiation is reduced Three of the infinite possible lead compensator solutions
Lead compensator design, Example 9.4
Problem: Design 3 lead compensators for the system in figure that will reduce the settling time by a factor of 2 while maintaining 30% overshoot. Solution: The uncompensated settling time is To find the design point, new settling time is From which the real part of the desired pole location is And the imaginary part is
S-plane picture used to calculate the location of the compensator pole for Example 9.4
Arbitrarily assume a compensator zero at -5 on the real axis as possible solution. Then we find the compensator pole location as shown in figure. Note sum of angles of compensator zero and all uncompensated poles and zeros is -172,69 so the angular contribution of the compensator pole is
Compensated system root locus
Comparison of lead compensation designs for Example 9.4
Uncompensated system and lead compensation responses for Example 9.4
Improving Steady-State Error and Transient Response
PID controller or using passive network it’s called lag-lad compensator
PID controller design Design Steps:
Evaluate the performance of the uncompensated system to determine how much improvement is required in transient response Design the PD controller to meet the transient response specifications. The design includes the zero location and the loop gain. Simulate the system to be sure all requirements have been met. Redesign if the simulation shows that requirements have not been met. Design the PI controller to yield the required steady-sate error. Determine the gains, K1, K2, and K3 shown in previous figure. Redesign if simulation shows that requirements have not been met.
PID controller design Example 9.5
Problem: Using the system in the Figure, Design a PID controller so that the system can operate with a peak time that is 2/3 that of the uncompensated system at 20% overshoot and with zero steady-state error for a step input Solution: The uncompensated system operating at 20% overshoot has dominant poles at j10.57 with gain 121.5, and a third pole at The complete performance is shown in next table.
Root locus for the uncompensated system of Example 9.5
To compensate the system to reduce the peak time to 2/3 of original, we must find the compensated system dominant pole location. The imaginary part of the dominant pole is Thus the real part is
Predicted characteristics of uncompensated, PD- , and PID- compensated systems of Example 9.5
Calculating the PD compensator zero for Example 9.5
To design the compensator, we find the sum of angles from the uncompensated system’s poles and zeros to the desired compensated dominant pole to be Thus the contribution required from the compensator zero is = Then we calculate the location of the zero as: Thus the PD controller is GPD(s) = (s+55.92) The complete root locus sketch is shown in next slide. Using program the gain at the design point is 5.34
Root locus for PD-compensated system of Example 9.5
Step responses for uncompensated, PD-compensated, and PID-compensated systems of Example 9.5
Root locus for PID-compensated system of Example 9.5
Choosing the ideal integral compensator to be And sketching the root locus for the PID-compensated system as shown. Searching the damping ratio line, we find the dominant poles at j14.67 The characteristics of the PID compensated system are shown in table.
Predicted characteristics of uncompensated, PD- , and PID- compensated systems of Example 9.5
Improving Steady-State Error and Transient Response
Finally to implement the compensator and find the K’s, using the PD and PI compensators and compare to we find K1= 259.5, K2=128.6, and K3=4.6
Lag-Lead Compensator Design Example 9.6
Problem: Using the system in the Figure, Design a lag-lead compensator so that the system can operate with a twofold reduction in settling time, and 20% overshoot and a tenfold improvement in steady-state error for a ramp input Solution: The uncompensated system operating at 20% overshoot has dominant poles at j3.501 with gain 192.1, and a third pole at The complete performance is shown in next table.
Root locus for uncompensated system of Example 9.6
To compensate the system to realize a twofold reduction in settling time, the real part of the dominant poles must be increased by a factor of 2, thus, And the imaginary part is
Predicted characteristics of uncompensated, lead-compensated, and lag-lead- compensated systems of Example 9.6
Evaluating the compensator pole for Example 9.6
Now to design the lead compensator, arbitrarily select a location for the lead compensator zero at -6, to cancel the pole. To find the location of the compensator pole. Using program sum the angles to get and the contribution of the pole is we find the location of the pole from the figure as Results are satisfactory see results in next slide
Root locus for lead-compensated system of Example 9.6
Improvement in step response for lag-lead- compensated system of Example 9.6
Root locus for lag-lead- compensated system of Example 9.6
Since the uncompensated system’s open-loop transfer function is The static error constant of the uncompensated system is 3.201 Since the open-loop transfer function of the lead-compensated system is the static error constant of the lead-compensated system is 6.794, so we have improvement by a factor of To improve the original system error by a factor of 10, the lag compensator must be designed to improve the error by a factor of 10/2.122 = 4.713
Root locus for lag-lead- compensated system of Example 9.6
We arbitrarily choose the lag compensator pole at 0.01, which then places the zero at yielding as a lag compensator and as lag-lead-compensated system open-loop transfer function
Predicted characteristics of uncompensated, lead-compensated, and lag-lead- compensated systems of Example 9.6
Improvement in step response for lag-lead- compensated system of Example 9.6
Improvement in ramp response error for the system of Example 9.6:
a. Root locus before cascading notch filter; b
a. Root locus before cascading notch filter; b. typical closed-loop step response before cascading notch filter; c. pole-zero plot of a notch filter; d. root locus after cascading notch filter; e. closed-loop step response after cascading notch filter.
Types of cascade compensators
Types of cascade compensators
Generic control system with feedback compensation
Typically, the design of feedback compensation consists of finding the gains, such as K, K1, and Kf in the figure, after establishing a dynamic form for Hc(s). There are 2 approaches, the first is similar to cascade compensation. But instead of adding new poles and zeros to G(s), we add them via H(s).
Feedback Compensation
First Approach: We reduce the general control system with feedback compensation in previous figure to equivalent system as shown in figure below. The loop gain G(s)H(s), is Without feedback, KfHc(s), the loop gain is G(s)H(s) = KK1G1(s)G2(s) So adding the feedback would replace the poles and zeros of G2(s) with the poles and zeros of
Compensating zero via rate feedback
Example: Given the system in figure (a). Design rate feedback compensation as shown in figure (b), to reduce the settling time by a factor of 4 while continuing to operate the system with 20% overshoot. Solution: First design a PD compensator. For the uncompensated system, we find dominant poles at /-j3.531 to work at 20% overshoot. From table, the settling time for uncompensated system is 2.21 and must be reduced by a factor of 4 to 0.55
Root Locus and Step Response for uncompensated system
Finding the compensator zero
As before we determine the location of the dominant poles for the compensated system at /- j14.12 Using these poles , we sum the angles from uncompensated poles and zeros to obtain so we need compensator zero to add degrees. As shown in figure , the geometry leads to calculation of zero location. And Zc = 5.42
Root Locus for compensated system
The gain at the design point which is K1Kf is found to be Since Kf is the reciprocal of the compensator zero, so Kf = Thus K1 =1388
Step Response for compensated system
Approach 2 Minor-loop feedback compensation
The minor-loop basically represents a forward-path transfer function whose poles can be adjusted with the minor-loop gain. These poles then become the open-loop poles for the entire system. Example: for the system shown in (a) , design a minor-loop feedback compensation as shown in (b) to yield a damping ratio of 0.8 for the minor loop and a damping ratio of 0.6 for the closed-loop system.
Root Locus for minor-loop
The root locus for the minor-loop is shown, where the open-loop transfer function is Complex poles at -10+/-j7.5 are on the line of The gain Kf = places the minor-loop to meet the specifications
Root Locus for closed-loop system
The poles of the minor-loop just found -10+/-j7.5 and the pole at the origin act as open-loop poles that generate the root locus for variations of the gain k The final root locus for the system is shown in figure the damping ratio line is drawn and searched. The closed-loop complex poles are found to be /-j6.046 with required gain of K= 624.3
Step response simulation for example
Physical Realization of Compensation
Operational amplifier configured for transfer function generation
Lag-Lead compensator implemented with operational amplifiers
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