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His Yoke Is Easy The burden of the Law of Moses was great in so many ways: Hundreds of commandments. Many of them were tedious, detailed, and very burdensome.

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2 His Yoke Is Easy The burden of the Law of Moses was great in so many ways: Hundreds of commandments. Many of them were tedious, detailed, and very burdensome. Example: Piercing the ear of a life-long volunteering slave.

3 Fellow Jews: Master/Slave Laws Exodus 21
Six year maximum. Freed on 7th. Goes as he comes (single v. married) Slave: “I love my master…” Brought before the judges. Brought to a door post. Master pierces the slave’s ear. Slave: serves his master forever.

4 Who’d Do Such a Thing!? Willingly give up your freedom?
Have an awl punch through your ear? Someone who LOVES His master. Someone who loves the wife given to him by his master (and children begotten through her). In other words, this commandment was NOT burdensome to the slave!

5 We’re Not Commanded To Have Our Ears Pierced
No, we’re to die with Christ. Cp. Rom. 6:8 We’re to become slaves to righteousness. Rom. 6:16 We’re to be “faithful unto death”. Rev. 2:10

6 Why Become Slaves to Christ?
Because we LOVE our Master and devote our service to Him above all others! We also love the bride of Christ, His church… and the children of God begotten through His bride. “For this is the love of God, that we keep His commandments. And His commandments are not burdensome.” 1 John 5:3

7 Pierce MY EAR O Lord My God!
Pierce my ear, O Lord, my God Take me to Your door this day. I will serve no other gods, Lord, I'm here to stay. For You have paid the price for me With Your blood You ransomed me. I will serve You eternally, A free man I'll never be.

8 Let’s Joyfully Proclaim Loyalty to Our Master, King, and Savior!

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