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How We Are Porting OpenJDK + Eclipse OpenJ9 to z/OS

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Presentation on theme: "How We Are Porting OpenJDK + Eclipse OpenJ9 to z/OS"— Presentation transcript:

1 How We Are Porting OpenJDK + Eclipse OpenJ9 to z/OS
Presenter: Jason Yong

2 Background IBM licensed Java source code
Add in the JVM implementation J9 Added other “Value add” features Patches added to get it working Jan 2017 – 900+ patches ….. Patch Patch Patch Patch Patch Patch Patch Patch

3 Open Sourcing General move to improve our Open Source activity
J9 becomes the Eclipse Foundation Project OpenJ9 in early 2017 Work begins in making OpenJDK and Eclipse OpenJ9 work together

4 OpenJDK with OpenJ9 - Mercurial to Git
Initially multiple Mercurial Repositories to a Single Git repository Using hg-git to do the conversion Getting the tagging correct Removal of Hotspot straight forward Long process Mid way through Java 9 it became a Single Mercurial Repository Removal of Hotspot has been made slightly more complicated Quicker but not by much

5 OpenJDK with OpenJ9 - Patches
Contribute as much back to OpenJDK as possible Analyzed then into several categories Platform Specific Codepages Bring-up Patches, etc Bring-up Patches became the basis for the extensions repositories

6 OpenJDK with OpenJ9 - The Result
Several Github repositories (e.g. openj9-openjdk-jdk11) Build an Open source Java 8 to 11 with OpenJ9 Instructions here - Binaries of OpenJDK with OpenJ9 as well as OpenJDK with Hotspot and are available from AdoptOpenJDK -

7 Porting to z/OS - Tooling
The building of Java has some hard dependencies on various tools and utilities Lack of correct tooling on z/OS Incorrect version Missing functionality RocketSoftware Codepage tagging Compile our own versions

8 Porting to z/OS - Ebcdic or Ascii?
Attempted to build in Ascii Build does file substitutions by default in Ebcdic Attempted to build in Ebcdic Used .gitattributes to do a blanket convert Binaries were converted Certain files were expected to be in Ascii Methods to read in data assumed Ascii

9 Porting to z/OS - Native Code
If a brand new port, largest area of work needed Over 100+ files of Java and c/c++ added Majority from earlier patches

10 What next? In its current form it will not open sourced
High maintenance due to complex merge z/OS specific changes can not be contributed back to OpenJDK Is there a demand for an Open Source Java for z/OS? Missing some key components that will stop it being production ready Ziip/Zaap Native z/OS security

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