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CSI: Waukegan Need to Knows

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1 CSI: Waukegan Need to Knows
Date: September 4th

2 DNA Typing, Profiling, Fingerprinting
A process that uses DNA to show relatedness or the identity of individual humans, plants, or animals.

3 Importance Free innocent people suspects.
Reunite children with their relatives. Identify stolen animals. Prove that whale meat has been substitute for fish in sushi. Identify remains of soldiers killed in combat. Trace diseases Determine evolutionary history.

4 Polymorphisms Certain non-coding regions of DNA
Different in individual people. Matched to other DNA to confirm identities or similarities.

5 Gel Electrophoresis Process used to separate macromolecules (such as DNA sections) by size and charge. Electrical current causes the molecules to move.

6 Pouring Gels We will use agarose gels.
It is a jelly-like substance made from seaweed. Combs are added to make the wells.

7 Filling the Wells We will use disposable, plastic pipettes.
You must use the pipette that is labeled with your sample letter. WHY? ANSWER: If you use the same pipette, then you will contaminate your results. The results may lead to the incorrect suspect.

8 How do we obtain a sample?
The cells are broken up to extract the DNA (just like the Cheek Cell DNA). PCR is used to create more samples of the DNA.

9 Sample Fragments Restriction Enzymes: cleaves (cuts) DNA into smaller segments of various sizes depending on your DNA sequence.

10 Why do the samples move? The gel floats in the buffer solution between the two electrodes. The electric current causes segments to move to positively-charged cathode. Why? (Hint: Think about Physics) ANSWER: DNA is negative, so it is attracted to the positive charge.

11 Why do the samples move? Smaller DNA segments move faster and farther than large DNA,



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