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OSHA, Bilbao – MELE, Croatia

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1 OSHA, Bilbao – MELE, Croatia
IPA Conference “Community agencies: partners in accession” Parallel session A – Lessons learned Arrangement OSHA, Bilbao – MELE, Croatia Zdravko Muratti Head of OS Dep. Lisbon, november 09.

2 New organization of OSH in the RC
GOVERNMENT M H S W M E L E OS Dep. SIRC Oversight service in the areas of labour and occupational safety C I H I H P W C I H P S W Occupational health medical teams Authorised professional and commissioners Services for occupational safety

3 Arrangement between the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work, Bilbao and the Ministry of Economy, Labour and Entrepreneurship, Zagreb, Croatia - Support programme based on the role of the FOP up to becoming members of the EU

4 Activities along this period:
Participation at all FOP meetings during the PHARE IV and IPA programmes Project co-ordination meetings Focal Point set up Set up a national network Agency network manager visited Croatia Focal Point Participation in the Agency`s Internet group - Preparation for the participation in the GPA

5 Results: New IT eqipment Set up the Croatian Agency website
Translated about 1200 pages of Agency materials Promote material Exchanged experiances in Occupational Safety and Health at Work Agency’s participation in 3 Seminars in Croatia

6 What have been the experiences of technical assistance so far?
Over our expectation - Introducing and linking between themselves Information about occupational safety in MS Possible exchange of aknowledge and experience Good cooperation Faster approach to the EU standards in OSH - Be active in Agency`s Programme

7 What are the key elements of success?
Good organisation and cooperations Easy correspodence Optimally loading of tasks Respectation Efficiency and timeliness

8 Which were the main challenges for the cooperation and how did you solve them?
Keep the unicque approach for all actors! To continue in this way

9 Thank you for your attention!

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