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Welcome to the World of Mathematics

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1 Welcome to the World of Mathematics
Judy Gehr

2 Changes occurring in Math Instruction
A sharper focus on key topics at each grade level Students are diving deeper into the content Conceptual understanding is stressed Modeling with real-world applications Standards for Mathematical Practice

3 The SMPs #1 Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them
#2 Reason abstractly and quantitatively #3 Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others #4 Model with mathematics

4 The SMPs #5 Use tools appropriately #6 Attend to precision
#7 Look for and make use of structure #8 Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.

5 SMPs These “Habits of Mind” foster reasoning, problem solving, perseverance, decision making and engagement among students.

6 The Discovery Education Math Techbook
Presently used in grades 6 through Algebra 2 An elementary Math Techbook is being created by the company Emphasizes real-world problem solving Using a discovery approach Has lots of wonderful resources

7 DE MathTechbook Go to CCPS homepage in the bottom left hand corner.
Click on student and parent resources

8 DE Math Techbook Click on Web Apps

9 DE Math Techbook Click on 2nd icon

10 D E Math Tech Book Students use their school login to access the tech book.

11 Unit 2

12 Unit Opener video clip

13 3 Components of the lesson

14 The discover section has investigations, a summary, and extensions

15 Investigation 1 has complex questions and an interactive for students to use to balance equations.

16 The practice section has a section that gives the student feedback and one that is similar to a game that earns badges.

17 The apply section really hits those all-important real-world connections showing students a purpose for the math.

18 CCR Having students see math modeled with real-world applications, discovering patterns and connections, analyzing and discussing math and its use will help them be better problem solvers, persevere when solving problems, make decisions and be engaged in active learning.

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