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Solutions Chapter 14.

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1 Solutions Chapter 14

2 General Properties Solution: system in which one or more substances are homogenously mixed or dissolved in another substance Solute: component that is dissolved Solvent: dissolving agent Miscible: liquids capable of mixing to form a solution Immiscible: liquids not capable of forming solutions; insoluble to each other

3 Factors Related to Solubility
Likes dissolved likes; polar and ionic tend to be able to form solutions with each other; nonpolar substances tend to form solutions with each other Temperature and pressure increases solubility Saturated: contains solute in equilibrium with solvent Unsaturated contains less solute per unit of volume than does the corresponding saturated solution.

4 Super-Saturated In some cases their can be more solute than what the solvent will allow to be dissolved. The picture is of a supersaturated solution of sodium acetate

5 Diffusion Diffusion goes from area of higher concentration to lower

6 Ways to Calculate Concentration
% concentration = amount of solute /soln. Mass % = mass solute/mass soln. X 100 Volume % = volume solute/volume soln. X 100 Mass/volume = g solute/mL soln x 100 Molarity = moles solute /L soln.

7 Osmosis Osmosis: water moves through membrane

8 Concentration Comparisons
Isotonic: equal concentrations Hypotonic: pure water to RBC cell bursts because water rushes in (hemolysis) Hypertonic: 10% NaCl soln to RBC causes cell to shrivel (crenation) Osmolarity: moles of solute particles /L soln. Ex. NaCl  Na+ + Cl- (2 moles/L)

9 What happens to the Cell

10 Dialysis Dialysis: semipermeable membrane allows small molecules to pass through but not others

11 What properties can you see in these pictures?

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