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Special English for Industrial Robot

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1 Special English for Industrial Robot
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2 49PARTs Unit01 Introduction of robot
Unit02 Introduction of industrial robot Unit03 Types of industrial robots Unit04 ABB robot Unit05 KUKA robot Unit06 YASKAWA robot Unit07 FANUC Robot Unit08 SCARA robot Unit09 Industry application of robot Unit10 New robots Unit11 Intelligent manufacturing and global robot development program Unit12 The outlook for industrial robot 49PARTs

3 Unit1 Introduction of robot
Robots are used everywhere from work to home. These machines can do work too dangerous for humans, help around the house, or can be used just for fun. Task: Part1 About robot Part2 Types and application of robot Part3 About industrial robot Part4 Component and applications of industrial robot Special English for Industrial Robot Unit1 Introduction of robot URL :

4 4 Unit1 Introduction of robot Component
Part4 Component and applications of industrial robot The most commonly used industrial robot configurations are articulated robots, SCARA robots, delta robots and cartesian coordinate robots (gantry robots or x-y-z robots). Component Figure 1-6 Components of industrial robot A typical industrial robot consists of an robotic arm, a control system, a teach pendant, an end effector as well as some other peripheral equipment, as shown in Figure 1-6.

5 4 Unit1 Introduction of robot Component
Part4 Component and applications of industrial robot Component Figure 1-6 Components of industrial robot The robot arm, basically, is the thing that moves the tool, not every industrial robot resembles an arm, there are different types of different robot structures. A control system resembles robot's brains, a teach pendant makes up the user environment. The teach pendant is The teach pendant is usually used only in time of programming. An end effector is a device designed for a specific task for example – welding or painting.

6 4 Unit1 Introduction of robot Types
Part4 Component and applications of industrial robot Types Here are main types of industrial robots 1. Cartesian robot / Gantry robot —— Used for pick and place work, application of sealant, assembly operations and welding. It's a robot whose arm has three prismatic joints, whose axes are coincident with a Cartesian coordinator. 2. Cylindrical robot —— Used for assembly operations, handling at machine tools, spot welding, and handling at diecasting machines. It's a robot whose axes form a cylindrical coordinate system.

7 4 Unit1 Introduction of robot Types
Part4 Component and applications of industrial robot Types 3. Spherical robot —— Used for handling machine tools, spot welding, diecasting, fettling machines, gas welding and arc welding. It's a robot whose axes form a polar coordinate system. 4. SCARA robot —— Used for pick and place work, application of sealant, assembly operations and handling machine tools. This robot features two parallel rotary joints.

8 4 Unit1 Introduction of robot Types
Part4 Component and applications of industrial robot Types 5. Articulated robot —— Used for assembly operations, diecasting, fettling machines, welding and spray painting. It's a robot whose arm has at least three rotary joints. 6. Parallel robot —— It's a robot whose arms have concurrent prismatic or rotary joints.

9 4 Unit1 Introduction of robot Application
Part4 Component and applications of industrial robot Application Here are the top4 applications for industrial robots: 1 – Robotic handling As shown in Figure 1-7, material handling is the most popular application of industrial robots worldwide. This includes robotic machine tending, palatalizing and various operations for metal machining and plastic moulding. With the introduction of collaborative robots in the last few years, this part of the market is always increasing. Figure 1-7 Robotic handling

10 4 Unit1 Introduction of robot Application
Part4 Component and applications of industrial robot Application 2 – Robotic Welding As shown in Figure 1-8, this segment mostly includes spot welding and arc welding which is mainly used by the automotive industry. More small work shop are beginning to introduce welding robot into their production. In fact, with the price of robot going down and the various tool now available on the market, it is now easier to automate a welding process. Figure 1-8 Robotic Welding

11 4 Unit1 Introduction of robot Application
Part4 Component and applications of industrial robot Application 3 – Robotic Assembly As shown in Figure 1-9, assembly operations include: fixing, press-fitting, inserting, disassembling, etc. This category of robotic applications seems to have decreased over the last few years, even while other robotic applications have increased. The reason why the applications are diversified is because of the introduction of different technologies such as force torque sensors and tactile sensors that gives more sensations to the robot. Figure 1-9 Robotic Assembly

12 4 Unit1 Introduction of robot Application
Part4 Component and applications of industrial robot Application 4 – Robotic Dispensing Here we are talking about painting, gluing, applying adhesive sealing, spraying, etc. Only 4% of the robots are doing dispensing. The smoothest of robot makes a repeatable and accurate process. Figure 1-10 Robotic Dispensing

13 4 Unit1 Introduction of robot Vocabulary
Part4 Component and applications of industrial robot Vocabulary brain [bren] n.头脑,智力;脑袋 diecasting [di'kæstɪŋ] 网络.;压铸;压铸件;压铸作业 fettling ['fɛtlɪŋ] n.涂炉床材料;铸件清理 axes ['æksɪz] n.轴线;轴心;坐标轴 palatalizing 金属加工 fixing ['fɪksɪŋ] n.安装;设备;修理 v.固定 press-fitting 压装 inserting [ɪn'sɜ:tɪŋ] n.插入;嵌进 v.插入;添写 disassembling [dɪzə'semblɪŋ] n.拆卸 v.拆开 adj.拆卸的 dispensing [dɪ'spɛns] n.配药;调剂v.分发;执行 gluing [glʊ] n.粘合;胶合 apply [ə'plaɪ] vt.申请;敷 vi.申请;敷;适用

14 配套资源 更多资源 书 名:工业机器人专业英语 出 版 社:华中科技大学出版社 教学视频:海渡学院APP(免费观看)
书 名:工业机器人专业英语 出 版 社:华中科技大学出版社 配套资源 教学视频:海渡学院APP(免费观看) 教学课件:工业机器人教育网( ← 扫一扫微店购书: 九大系列教材 最新出版上架信息 更多资源 网址: 源自哈尔滨工业大学 专注工业机器人教育

15 E-mail : 哈工海渡
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