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Facts on obesity and the need for healthy food consumption and physical activity. Healthy living.

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Presentation on theme: "Facts on obesity and the need for healthy food consumption and physical activity. Healthy living."— Presentation transcript:

1 Facts on obesity and the need for healthy food consumption and physical activity.
Healthy living

2 Overweight and obesity
In , 63% of Australians aged 18 years and over were overweight or obese, comprised of 35% overweight and 28% obese. Prevalence of overweight and obesity in adults aged 18 years and over has continued to rise to 63.4% in , from 61.2% in and 56.3% in 1995. Being overweight/obese increases a person's risk of developing cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure and/or Type 2 diabetes. Body Mass Index (BMI) is a common measure for defining whether a person is underweight, normal weight, overweight or obese.

3 A reason for the obesity epidemic
One of the main causes of overweight and obesity is an energy imbalance between calories consumed (eating) and calories expended (exercise) over time. Physical activity, such as exercise, increases the body’s normal energy expenditure.

4 Prevention is key Healthy diet and regular exercise can prevent the onset of obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular disease, which have all become huge health problems in today’s society, and all are caused from being overweight.

5 Physical activity is essential
The National Physical Activity Guidelines explain the required exercise people need to achieve for health benefits. For Children it recommends 60 minutes and up to several hours of physical activity every day of the week. For adults it recommends at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity on most, preferably all, days of the week. 

6 Types of exercise Types of physical activity people do can be classified as Occupational, Active transport, Leisure time activity and Household (eg. gardening). The main 2 domains for children are active transport and leisure time activity. So there is a focus on children getting outside to play in spare time, instead of watching video games etc, and walking or bike riding as much as possible instead of getting dropped off everywhere. Parents as the caregivers must also reinforce this. Incidental exercise or active transport increases the calories expended per day and therefore will also prevent the onset of these unhealthy and dangerous diseases.

7 Healthy Eating Cutting majority of processed foods, and sticking to proteins, fresh fruits and vegetables is necessary. Need to decrease the amount of take away and fast foods consumed. Organic food are also a healthy option, and can include homegrown vegetables. Need a general focus on eating a lot healthier.

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